I Really Dont know where 2 Start......
This is My FIRST POST in this Forum,....BUT that I am already
TOTALLY UTTERLY "DEPRESSED" & Confused & Freaked Out with this Weird Physical deformity that I recently found out in my Body & the knowledge about this(deformity) that I RECENTLY discovered on the Internet & in Gynecomastia.org!!!
To give a little brief about me,...
1) I am from INDIA( N-E)
2) Currently about 32+ years age
3) Not yet Married( or any Relations)
As you all can find out I am Totally depressed with this weird problem, I am MOST confused with What Do do & How to Solve the Problem.........I AM VIRTUALLY at CROSSROADS of Confusion,..Hence I but want to seek HELP from this knowledgeable forum members!
My Question:
1) HOW BAD is My Problem( in a scale of 1 to 10)
2) Is this Deformity all "FATS" or "GLANDS" ?
3) At this age(32+), what should be my due course of action to correct the aforsaid problem?
4) At this agee(32+),would be it BETTER to live with this problem forever My Life or If SURGERY is the ONLY option, What should be BEST for my case - Excision or Liposuction?
5) I Got Diabetes,& should this complicate my case?Now,I sincerely deserve all your Help in fighting a problem,which is still viewed as a very weird problemin my Area, SO PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!.......I Have come with Hopeful expectation & Hopefully i would Like to see Light at the end of this DARK tumnnel, which is tormenting(CONFUSING) Me like Hell!
Hope i would Not be disappointed.TIA to all the Kind Hearted who Helps !!!!