Author Topic: 15 year old minor gyno  (Read 4466 times)

Offline gynocanscrewoff

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I am 15 years old and noticed I had something wrong with my breasts when I was about 14 and a half. I had hard lumps beneath each nipple, when I was about 15 (to clarify I am still 15) they puffed out, I don't have any fat tissue like man boobs I just have puffy nips; they look just normal when I'm cold but when I take a shower or get warm they puff out; this is what keeps me from swimming taking my shirt off. I'm 6'1 weigh 160lbs, I don't work out very much but plan on lifting ALOT more espcially to work the pectorial areas. I talked to my doc about it and he said I had a mild case of gyno, I talked to my dad about it who concidently said he had the same thing when he was my age but it went away (he has a perfectly normal chest now). But the thing that worries me I'll be 16 in april, so I would have had it for a little more than a year.

Is there any hope for me that it will go away? I stopped taking my myadec vitamins cause I thought some of the things in that could be contributing to the gyno, but anyway, this went away for my dad is there a good chance it'll go away for me to?

In the mean time while I still have it, is it safe to where underamor (spandex) under my T-shirts? Will this affect the gyno if my nips are compressed at all? However spandex gets really hot and I don't know of any other tightening underarmor that doesn't make you hot.

If you've got this far, thanks for reading and thanks ahead of time for suggestions and or feedback.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 06:43:32 PM by gynocanscrewoff »

Offline gynocanscrewoff

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Offline gabbyhey

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There is a chance at your age that it could go away.  40-60% of men experience this condition during puberty.  There also is a chance that it won't go away.  I would suggest that you talk to your doctor and get his opinion. 

Offline gynocanscrewoff

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There is a chance at your age that it could go away.

At what age should I be worried if my nips are still puffy, maybe 17?

Offline gabbyhey

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Well, It's hard to say for sure.  It depends when you are finished with puberty.  Usually 17-18 you would should have an idea.  I'd go to a doctor and talk about it.  However, sometimes a general practicioner won't be as well educated about gyne as you would think.  So basically if they tell you not to worry about it, but it still bothers you go ahead and talk to an endocronologist or a plastic surgeon.


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