Author Topic: Pictures of guys with gynecomastia mostly puffy nipples from the web  (Read 49384 times)

Offline merle

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So since you are unhappy then everyone should be. These are great looking guys with handsome chests. There are plently of guys with fully developed breasts like like their chests.

If is okay if you don't like your chest, but to be critical of men that like theirs because you don't approve of they way they look.

This says lot about you and nothing about them.

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Offline WishmasterK

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As someone with gynecomastia and very happy the way he is let me assure you that, I do not have "issues". There are plenty of other people who have gynecomastia that are happy with there bodies and also don't have have "issues". You may have issues with it yourself, and because of it have issues with anyone comfortable with there bodies.

Furthermore this is the acceptance board, you obviously have not accepted your gynecomastia, and you have issues with people who have. Posts or replies like the below are not acceptable in this section. Take it to Gynecomastia Talk or don't post it at all.

well i dont see any reason for people with gyno to act like nothing is wrong with them, if it does not bother them, it doesnt mean that its not there, they got issues period. well if you cant see it, they cant see it, there are millions out there that do see it. now you are gonna tell me they dont bother about others, kudos lets start worshipping these idiots then.

Offline reaper33

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whoops i guess i ended up in the wrong section, i was talking about people in general, my comments were not directed on any one person, besides i did not know that is where men come together to enjoy their breasts, take it easy guys ill take it some place else, however you were correct i havent accepted my gynecomastia, and ive got no such plans either, good luck with yours. peace

Offline WishmasterK

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I hope I was not too harsh and you entitled to your opinion. That opinion however belongs on a different part of the board, like I said, try the gynecomastia talk area.

Offline merle

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That is not the issue here. They are proud of their bodies. Who is to say that they should not be. I had the surgery to have the outside of me match my internal picture of me.

I would guess that the pictures internally and externally are congruent for them. No one has the right to tell someone else they should not feel good about how they look.

That is the issue here.


Offline ddaavviiddd

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Look,  I am not a big fan of this section acceptance.  I have suffered sooooooooo much pain in my life that I never want to see a site that glorifies gyno and  in a perverted way laughs at it.  I wish the section acceptance would deal with men who have accepted there gyno and have learned to live with it for whatever reason.  The net is full for porno and filth and when i see a stuff like on this great forum I think it cheapens this site.   Like I said, the net is full of any perversion, fetish or whatever u want.  Lets keep this site honest and true to gyno suffers.  Please merle I ask u to reconsider and clean up the acceptance section.   I don't want to see half naked men that really don't have any gyno in some homo erotic pose.  There is nothing wrong with this kind of stuff if your into that but there is sooooo much of it out there that it does not belong on this site.   Also, u have to understand that many underage kids visit this site and should not be subjected to such pictures in a sexual nature.  I don't want to hear that I am not secure with my  THIS  AND  my THAT and if u don't like what u see then don't look at it.   I don't want this site to be confused with erotica and porn.  Can u imagine if a father and son who has gyno is looking at the section and there pops up some guy who is naked with tennis shoes covering his private   WTF   I would think i just entered a porn site.   Just think about it ?

Offline merle

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Again you are trying to push me and everyone else into thinking that way that you do. There is no porn on the site and it is all about men with gynecomastia. I am sorry that you can only tolerate having one view point. And invoking the children is a desperate attempt the change the conversation into something that it is not about. I am offended by your attitude and your continuing to post in a section that clearly is not about you.


Offline ddaavviiddd

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I was exposed to   section when i hit clicked on the link "  show unread Posts since your last visit "   I had no idea what i was about to see.  And if u scroll up there was another person who was posting who also was not aware he was in such a section.  I  was very disapointed when i saw  those pics.  Those pics have nothing to do with gyno and are sexual in nature.  I just wonder how many underage boys have been subjected to such innaproprate material ??????

Offline socorock

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Dude, if i had a body like them i wouldnt care in the slightest about them tiny puffy nipples.

Offline Res6462

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Sorry Merle, I agree with Aquilius and Maywest. I've started to look at these posts from you about men with puffy nipples and I stopped at the first group. No shot at you personally and you are entitled since you own the board. However, I think you went more than a tad overboard with the posts. If these would have been links to some medical postings showing other cases, mild to extreme, I would've been all over it. I have to admit the amount of reading I've done connected more or less to Gynecomastia has even surprised me. As boring as it may sound to you it would have been a far better choice then what was presented. That's my opinion. As for one of the other posts in this field, I don't consider myself laughing at others with or glorifying Gynecomastia. I also don't promote surgery as a lot of guys do. Again, I don't consider myself an expert in any field let alone this one. I just happen to be one of the many with it, and that number keeps growing. As a humorous sidebar...I've never had more than a relatively flat chest. Until now that is. My exwife thinks it looks like I've been working out. Yes, she does know what's going on but she hasn't said anything derogatory about it. And trust me, before we got divorced she had plenty of bad things to spew!!!  Thanks guys!!!


Offline latediagnosis

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i agree this isn't a very good attempt at making people feel better about having gyno, to get to that level of fitness/physique requires a lot of work/time which i'm guessing not everyone has.

also even if i was them, i would still probably get the surgery believe it or not, although i do have a problem of striving to look the best i can.

Offline jc71

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Wow! What an embarrassment to the site.

These photos should show men only from the waist up.

The pics are extremely sexually suggestive.

I know, let me guess, I'm closed minded. Very predictable response.

This isn't a gay or straight thing. It's simply an issue of decency.

Hell, I showed my neighbor (who calls himself "SuperGay") the pictures and he even thinks they're over the line for this type of site. Altough he did say the guy sitting in the chair is "Yummy."

« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 03:43:00 AM by jc71 »

Offline manic91m9

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its true perhaps the photographs could be eaisily edited to avoid upsetting the more sensitive board members. i think this is a good point really.. of course these photos show very minor imperfections in the manner of gyne and as with any body feature aesthetics are a matter of balance all of these guys look well balanced ie small amount of gland and large amount of muscle/ good bone structure etc. there is no reason why these guys should feel that they are  unattractive due to puffy nipples. i think it is a personal choice and if those with a minor case of puffies such as myself would like to have an operation then thats ok, if they understand that it is not the end of the world to live with. i have also noticed mannequins of men with puffy nipples which is interesting. puffy nipples do NOT necessarily look bad, my nipples are not bad in a standing up position although they do seem to hang when i am in a pushup position and this makes me uncomfortable during sex. (muscle pushes out gland more). there are far too many on this website freaking out coz they have a small amount of breast tissue which is statisticaly  normal and common among even athletes and models. having said that i also feel there is a party on this board that is anti surgery except in extreme cases,  i think its important to respect an individuals right to chose surgery to change they way they look.

Offline telovator

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i think people's outrage and consistence in saying "you can't deny that something is WRONG with you!" is the evidence of society's push of the G.I. Joe and Ken image on men just as many many many women fall into eating disorders and want to throw on a pound of make-up because they feel inadequate just because they don't look like Barbie or Paris Hilton.

LISTEN REAL CLOSE NOW: something is wrong with you if you have Prostate Cancer, something is wrong with you if you have 110 degree fever, and something is wrong with you if you HAVE AN IMAGE THAT YOU  FEEL LIKE YOU SHOULD BE. it's inherent in our society and there are NO health hazards associated with gynecomastia. it is about acceptance. that's what it's about it. there is nothing wrong with guys that feel comfortable in their own bodies. i have a minor case of gyne and i'm skinny but i'm not super ripped like them. i am starting to accept myself more and more but there is no reason in the world to put those with gyne down! or to say that they are flawed or wrong in some way because that's just according to the image you have in your head. if we all followed that thinking 95% of americans would be wrong in one way or another.

despite all that i said i will be going through with surgery in the next month. keep an open mind guys. some of your thinking are just as bad as the girls that joke about offering their bras and guys that call you a bitch. makes me sick, really..
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 04:52:55 PM by telovator »


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