Author Topic: Never feel bad about your body and your nipples.  (Read 8590 times)

Offline fightthegoodfight

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Ive had these puffy nipples for six years and I have dealt with it. I have continued as normal of a life as I could. I have stayed really fit and continued wearing normal clothing. I have swam with girls in extremely humid climates where my nipples have stayed puffy and carried my confidence. I have been called permaflex by my male classmates for keeping my shoulders shrugged tighly to keep my nipples tight and hidden. but I somehow have been made stronger by this worthless hormonal imbalance. Its not about your nipples, that draws the chicks to you and its not the nipples that will push them away. Its all about your confidence, personality and your strength that draws the women to you. I know plenty of guys who cant get any girls with perfectly normal nipples. Our nipples are just nipples, but what about us. the other half of us who doesnt care about our stupid deformity, but the other half of us that wants to live our lives the way we want to. The point is... Our nipples shouldnt be any reason to be down.. We have been given an obstacle to defeat...just like many others have been given in different areas. At least our obstacle doesnt distract us being able to move physically or our ability to think normally. We have just one small disturbance that I believe we can all over come!!!!!!

Offline xxxxxxxxxx

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You have some valid points however,

Our appearance is what draws girls to us. It may not be the reason they stay. I am sure girls would consider other factors, intelligence, money, confidence and some aesthetic features

The fact remains that those with puffy nipples have a harder time if they are

-equally attractive (face and well toned body )
-equally rich
-equally intelligent
-equally confident,

to another party the girl will likely chose the man without "puffy nipples".


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thats a good attitude to have but i can never see myself being able to embrace it

Offline matthew1

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 I have spent 3 decades  hiding  my puffy nipples. Pocket shirts with  notebooks or credit cards in the pockets work best.
          These  f ... in  nipples  have  caused  sooo  much anxiety, I think it contributed to my depression. I dont know  how many pool parties I  just  '' disappeared from'' or how many  family vacations at the beach were i  was to busy to join every one on the  beach. My  4 years in high school  ball where I would   not shower or  change with the other players.  All the  tiime  my shirt  would be lifted  during a  hall way scuffle only to reveal the pale skin underneath. 
              AHHHHH, welcomed cold weather = lots of  clothes, safe at last
 I now have a beach house and two kids  so I am  moving  forward   with a consultation with dr Bermant.  I did not know there was  any help  out there till i  found this sight a   few months ago!
                            I come from one of those ''macho'' families ,  PS   is  for  sissys, yea  right. I got no problem ponying up some cash to  make this  problem  go away or minimize it. As soon as I laern how to get  my picture  up here  you will see  a farmers tan of historical  proportions?    how does  one take photo of one self?  use a mirorr?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2007, 02:22:16 PM by matthew1 »

Offline siphon

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Beautifully said fightthegoodfight.

Youre right about our nipples not attracting nor scaring away women. Women may at first be physically attracted to men, but at the core level, at their hormonal level, women are attracted to guys that know what they want, and have a strong sense of purpose in their life.

At times we can lose sight of sense of confidence when we focus on the negative aspects of our lives, and trust me, when you start to focus on them, they start to pile and become that much harder to get rid of. I totally agree with you that having that mindset where we seek the optimist in us always leads to beneficial things, and hence attracts more people into our lives - including women.

If you want to attract more women, dont put them on a pedastal, dont be scared of them, know what you want and be have that confidence ingrained knowing you can get what you desire. Women fall weak to men who know what theyre doing in life. If YOU are weak, and negative, no amount of riches or materials will find you happiness. By weak I dont mean in the physical sense (although helps in the bigger picture ie working out = higher endorphins = better moods = more people are attracted to you = :D) but in the mental, emotional realm. Work on this, improve your life constantly.

Dont treat whatever you have as a downfall, the more we do that, the more power we give it in our lives. Put the power back in your hands and watch your life expand. This goes when dealing with women and other interactions in life.

Control your thoughts, dont let them control you.


Offline theta

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man that was beautiful
but i am not confident enough

Offline siphon

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as long as you acknowledge that, youre right.

Offline damgyno

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heres what i like to say to myself to keep me competetive and working out...

What is underneath your gyno?

Offline john_loren

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At a resort in Cozumel last year there was a frat boy w/ really puffy nipples who always was surrounded by women.  Didn't seem to pose the least bit of problem for him.  Confidence means so much--and so many women just don't notice/care.

And I have to wonder if (considering what a close up view the girls were getting) if surgery scars might have promoted a less positive response, if not ridicule....

Offline matthew1

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  lots of alcohol......... thqt  explains his confidence...or he had  only mild gyne

Offline Ps3touch

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i agree.

and ive been to beaches with my friends and around a lot of college students shirtless. been to south beach in miami. also ive had a girlfriend for 2 yrs. but it's just not the same as having a flat chest. clothes dont fit nicely, and it definitely makes you feel self conscious no matter how many times you tell yourself it doesnt matter. plus post surgery look is much nicer to look at in the mirror every morning. it's good in theory, but practically just doesnt work. it will always be in the back of your mind, it's strange why something such as a larger chest creates so much emotional havoc, but it does. no one has even made fun of me or called me out, but i know they all notice it. they would be blind not to. life without gyno is almost like going from being really fat, to skinny. fat guys can get girls that skinny guys cant get by their personality and stuff, but you know they are self conscious about it to a certain degree. id compare gyno to being fat, you can live with it, but life without it is much less stressful and gives a permanent confident boost. if you are confident with gyno, youll be super confident without it!
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 12:08:29 PM by Ps3touch »

Offline schmuckpunk

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Hey, if being delusional works for you go for it.  I don't mean this in a mean way, I'm just saying that I've been around people who didn't realize I myself had gyne (I wear tight shirt or hoodies, whatever to cover it up) and heard the shit they say.  Sure, some people don't care but as far as relationships go, unless you find a chick who doesn't give a shite about looks, they will look at you differently.  Then again god decided to screw me over twice and give me a good ol' case of ED so it's a little bit easier for me to say "fug it" when it comes to the ladies.

Offline matthew1

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Hey, if being delusional works for you go for it.  I don't mean this in a mean way, I'm just saying that I've been around people who didn't realize I myself had gyne (I wear tight shirt or hoodies, whatever to cover it up) and heard the shit they say.  Sure, some people don't care but as far as relationships go, unless you find a chick who doesn't give a shite about looks, they will look at you differently.  Then again god decided to screw me over twice and give me a good ol' case of ED so it's a little bit easier for me to say "fug it" when it comes to the ladies.

whatS ED?


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