Author Topic: Background Info + Pics ... Feedback on severity much appreciated  (Read 2521 times)

Offline ohnoes

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So just a little background information…I’ve always thought, since I can remember, that I’ve had what I now know as Gynecomastia. I’ve seen pictures of me from 9-12 years old swimming – and none of this with a shirt off. I felt uncomfortable at that age and knew something just wasn’t “right”. Moving into the age of 13-15 my father would always tell me to stand up straight because I had the habit of “hunching” over, to make my chest less prominent.

Once I hit my senior year in high school I started working out heavily and eating a very strict diet (though I had always been active in sports and had a good diet at home). My outlook was that maybe if I can get very muscular and big, it will make my chest less prominent. My plan failed.

Years have gone by and I’ve been with professional trainers, dietitians, and switched up my workout routines constantly to try gaining mass muscle, to shredding it all off with cardio. Nothing has ever changed my chest. The rest of my body changes, just not that area.

I’m in excellent health – though I might not have a rip-raging six-pack. I exercise 6 days a week, and keep a VERY healthy diet. I’m not on any medications and I’ve never taken steroids. This has been a pretty big blow in my personal life for as long as I can honestly remember. I have a consultation scheduled with a surgeon about a month and a half out, but I would love some feedback to let me know how “bad” my case it and what “type” it looks to be.

Looking Up

Front - (Normal/Flexed)

Side - (Normal/Flexed)

Angled - (Normal/Flexed)

Offline gynogone

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You definitely have it.  Looks like alot of dense fat, don't know how much gland.  I would say you have a moderate case, definitely not severe but not 'hardly noticeable' like some guys here.

YOu look like the type that would do really, really well with surgery.  Tight skin, young, in good shape.  YOu have a good frame for working out, probably look great after surgery.

Just go to a good surgeon.

Offline subuwrx

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Yea, even as it is now you look great. You are going to do VERY well with surgery! Goodluck.


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