Author Topic: Post-Op Mental games  (Read 3523 times)

Offline subuwrx

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Well to start things off I am 8 days post op and pictures can be seen in the "surgery experiences" section.

Has anyone had a hard time dealing with being post-op? Im having a extreamly hard time realizing that I had surgery. When I look in the mirror I see the same old me. I see absolutly no difference in my chest. I can remember the first time I saw my chest I noticed a difference and then after that Im having a hard time. I see gyno when I look in the mirror and im pretty sure its not there anymore. I lost the exciting feeling about being able to do things and wear shirts and such, I feel as if I still wont be able to do those things. I also feel as if my left side is alot bigger than my right side, once again I dont know if its mind games or not.

I just feel that this gyno has run my life for so long and im having trouble not seeing it anymore...I know I must be a nutcase! Once the dressing comes off maybe it will kick in.

Has anyone else ever delt with a similar situation or am I a nutjob?

Offline subuwrx

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Yea, I really hope its just swelling. I have alota muscle under that gyno but it wasnt to noticeable because of the gyno. I am hoping that this has something to do with my chest sticking out a little

Offline reaper33

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i think you should wait for the steristrips to come off to pass a judgment. its really hard to say rite now if he took out less or more. on top of that you are just 8 days post op. good luck

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Look I don't want to sound harsh or unsympathetic but you are only 8 days post op.  I'm 4 months post op and I still have swelling that comes and goes.  You need to wait at least 6 months and more than likely 12 months to see what the final result is going to be ... not 8 days.

Just take it easy and be patient eh?

Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline reaper33

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so when is the steristrips coming off, do take pics and post em ,my gyno looks a lot like your, mostly puffy nips, but i haven't had my surgery yet.

Offline subuwrx

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so when is the steristrips coming off, do take pics and post em ,my gyno looks a lot like your, mostly puffy nips, but i haven't had my surgery yet.

Absolutly, Expect pictures on Wed(March 14th) night.

Offline subuwrx

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I feel severly depressed. I havnt even been able to buckle down and study. Before I had surgery I was very bothered by this but not depressed because I knew there was surgery available. Now I just dont even know...I tried on some shirts and everything today and I dont really notice a difference from the side view. From the front I notice a HUGEEE difference and get excited then I look from the side and just see freaking boobs.

I know that im only 10 days post-op but I mean I have pretty much no bruising and I really doubt I have swelling..and if i do its so minimal it cant make much of a difference. This sucks alot. I dont get it. Why? It seems like most people are looking good post op and I my side view doesnt seem different. wtf

AHHH all I want to do is be able to wear a t-shirt without being self consious about it. I now dont think thats ever gonna happen.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 12:34:37 AM by subuwrx »

Offline chansam

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Dude...stop being a freakin downer...

Start saying positive affirmations to yourself every morning like...

1) I am so handsome
2) I'm so happy that I have a flat chest
3) All the beautiful women want me
4) I am so confident
5) My life is great!

Post the pictures tomorrow after your appointment and the forum will tell you what a stud you look like...

Offline reaper33

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post your pictures, and we will tell you, i know you cant help the way you feel, so trying to calm yourself down isn't gonna work, on the bright side, i believe you had surgery with dr bermant, and there inst a single person on this boards who went to him and is unhappy with their results, so i think your passing your judgment way too soon, and from what i see you had puffy nips, i dont see any contour distortions? stay positive and keep us posted. :)

Offline reaper33

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i just checked your pics, and no surprise bermant still lives up to his name, your are free of moobs, you say that you dont like your side view, its coz your slouching a little and your tummy sticks out too, there is zero contour distortion, wait a few months and do some free weights, and do like 300 crunches. then go buy a room full of t shirts. enjoy life on the other side.

Offline subuwrx

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Yea its just mind games I am subconciously playing with myself. Im really happy today though gettin the dressing off and lookin at it. I remember when I got outa bootcamp(I lost 20 lbs there) my nips were the real only noticable thing when wearing t-shirts. So needless to say im psyched for my training that starts in May. I know ill prob loose alota weight and therefore flatten my chest even more. Hell yea!

Offline chansam

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Bootcamp for the military?  Or some private bootcamp to lose weight?


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