Author Topic: Erection problems w/gyne  (Read 32712 times)

Offline samgyne28

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Hello.  ANy of you guys have problem getting hard because of your gyne.  I get very nervous when a girl takes off my shirt and this causes me to not get erect.  Would be good to hear from some of you about this matter. Thanks.

Offline WishmasterK

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It's all in your mind. When your more comfortable with your body and your chest you wont have this problem. I haven't had sex with a girl yet who cared about my chest. And I can almost assure you my gyne is worse than yours.

Work on your self esteem and accepting your chest the way it is, or get surgery.

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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It's all in your mind. When your more comfortable with your body and your chest you wont have this problem. I haven't had sex with a girl yet who cared about my chest. And I can almost assure you my gyne is worse than yours.

Work on your self esteem and accepting your chest the way it is, or get surgery.

You may be right about the "in your mind thing", but I would first ask other questions like:
•   How long have you had gynecomastia?
•   What age are you?
•   Do you have any problems getting an erection at other times i.e. first thing in the morning?
•   Are there other symptoms like fatigue, dry skin, loss of libido, depression, excessive sweating etc? All these are potential symptoms of low testosterone levels.
•   Do you drink or smoke heavily?

If the above don’t apply and the erection problem only occurs when a girl sees your chest for the first time, it is probably just anxiety.  I would just want to be sure that there wasn’t an underlying problem.

Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline WishmasterK

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I thought it might be a testosterone but he said "I get very nervous when a girl takes off my shirt and this causes me to not get erect." Which doesn't seem to fit anything but anxiety. But I would recommend that he goes over the list Time_to_fix_it pointed out just in case.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2007, 02:49:22 AM by WishmasterK »

Offline samgyne28

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thanks guys for yr responses.  Other times I can get an erection, like when I'm alone and in the morning.  But can't get hard at all when I'm with a girl.  Also, after joggin I can't get erect/  Are there any pills other than viagra that could help me.  Something natural?

Have had gyn since puberty, don't drink, just smoke. Im 29.

Offline Bolognianips

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Practice. :)

Somtime when you are just sitting around with nothing to do, try and use mental images to give yourself an erection.  I used to have a problem ejaculating when wearing a condom..  dosent sound like a problem I know, but girls would get very sore, and I would get very tired, so I learned how to pretty much use mental images to compensate for the loss of feeling.  I can pretty much ejaculate on my whim now, using the same thing to avoid ejaculationg only thinking of something non sexual. 

Its might be a bit strange, but try talking dirty in your head, just think exactly what you want to do with a girl and her parts individually then imagine it, in a few minutes you will be hard and get to make it a reality.  Remember the movie happy gilmore, where he needed to find his happy place.. well thats all you now man.. find your "happy" place, and then try it out the next time you are with a girl.

Just remember dont think about getting an erection, or it wont happen, just like if you try to hard to pee.

Other than that, take a few shots and hope for the best.

Offline tonysoprano

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It's all in your mind. When your more comfortable with your body and your chest you wont have this problem. I haven't had sex with a girl yet who cared about my chest. And I can almost assure you my gyne is worse than yours.

Work on your self esteem and accepting your chest the way it is, or get surgery.

You may be right about the "in your mind thing", but I would first ask other questions like:
•   How long have you had gynecomastia?
•   What age are you?
•   Do you have any problems getting an erection at other times i.e. first thing in the morning?
•   Are there other symptoms like fatigue, dry skin, loss of libido, depression, excessive sweating etc? All these are potential symptoms of low testosterone levels.
•   Do you drink or smoke heavily?

If the above don’t apply and the erection problem only occurs when a girl sees your chest for the first time, it is probably just anxiety.  I would just want to be sure that there wasn’t an underlying problem.

I have all those symptoms of low testosterone you mentioned ( not dry skin though), but My T levels tested as normal when I got tested.
I guess those symptoms are also present in about a million other types of conditions too.

Just for my own interest, can you throw out a few more (perhaps the less well know/common) other symptoms of having low T.??

cheers champ
... and the saga continues

Offline normexcept

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I was having some erection problems that were also psychological like yours.  I talked to my P.C. about it.  He prescribed Cialis which by the way only works with sexual stimulation anyway.  But what he said it would do is help the limpness go away so I could have success.  Once I had success, he was right, I didn't need it anymore because now I had the confidence again.
My advice? talk to your physician.

Offline teeruss1

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I have found that if I stimulate my nipples, they act like secondary penises and cause orgasm. After that, it is difficult to get an erection.  I changed my way and get erected saving the breasts for last.

Offline gettingsurgsoon

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yes I had problems, when I look down and I look at my breasts I feel nervous and lose steam


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Unless your gyno is due to XXY or other issues like that then there should be no physical impediment due to gyno.  If you are also overweight, the fat above your penis may impede a full erection.  Most of it, as others have stated, is most likely just in your head.  If you get nervous when a girl takes off your shirt, you might want to consider showing her first.  If she already knows about your gyno then there should not be a problem during sex. 

Offline chris1414

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maybe try to get a viagra or do it in the shower or something.  If you can get it up and do her good once or twice I bet you'll be confident enough to never have that problem again.  Try thinking about how she should be uncomfortable instead of you for whatever reason, have a few drinks and wax that ass.

Offline Badgene

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Someone was talking about Cialis??

Can someone provide info which one of these drugs will work best for loss of libido? If erection mechanics work but Libido loss is a situation what would be the best one?

Ive experienced some libido damage and was thinking if I took one of these drugs once a night for maybe 4 or 5 nights in a row it may jar it out of my head and put me back on top of it all (like I was before). But I dont know what drug to ask the doc for.......

If anyone has any clues...... even just personal experience..... we are all friends here.

maybe I should make a thread for it..... I keep hijacking other people's :(    sorry


I should specify: My parents noticed I had a doughy chest when I was born so I have had gyne all my life I am certain (genetics) but my sex drive was always really really strong... which was perhaps psychological, but after taking some nasty perscription drugs along with a few traumatic events that happened to me at the same time, it hasn't returned to what it was.......

(P.M. me if you prefer)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 11:44:41 PM by Badgene »

Offline mthatch1

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Yes, I think there is a relationship to my gyne and my inability to keep an erection.  I think it is also related to having some extra fat on my abs too that makes me feel unattractive. 

When you are stressed about the way your body looks -- you get turned off!!!!  and then lose the erection...

its all very sad....

lights out or doggy style and you will perk up!

Offline Alchemist

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There is no problem at all.  It matters only to you.  Most of the ladies I know are perfectly happy with my breasts.  They often like to feel them.  It's only our fears that get in the way.  Learn to give her hour long orgasms and she won't care at all about your breasts.  I'm a tantric alchemist and sex couldn't be better.


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