Author Topic: 1-10.. How bad is it? Please help.  (Read 8914 times)

Offline Dadadaboom

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Get the surgery. Get a job and pay for it by yourself if you have to. 

I saw a surgeon when I was about your age. He said same thing, i.e. that it wasn't that bad and that I shouldn't worry about it. Well, he was damn wrong, and it took me 8 years to get a real opinion - 8 years of looking like a f'ing freak thanks to that dumb doctor's idiotic opinion.

I think I look way better now after the surgery (and I still have lots of swelling).

You're about a 6 or 7. You also have large areoli, which probably makes 'em look even worse.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 08:32:16 PM by Dadadaboom »

Offline gabbyhey

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Yeah, Ok, I see your point then.  But your doctor is an idiot.  ;)

Offline Hux

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wheter its a two, or a ten, its bad enough that surgery would make ur life better

yea.. I haven't taken my shirt off in public for years.. Heck I'm even afraid to have my shirt of around my sister lol..

Offline FatM1ke

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Very large considering your height and weight, I would rate it a 5 or 6.
Wouldn't say its a buildup of fat considering your proportions, I'd defintely go ahead with surgery since you've explained how embarrassing it is for you.

Offline Hux

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Well my hormones checked out normal..

Still looking for a qualified PS in Southern California..
If anyone knows of any good ones then please let me know..


Offline Hux

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hux, have u checked out Dr Delgado, if i were from the west coast, he'll definitely be the "go to man" for me imo.  thanks for sharing and keep us updated .

Like I posted in another thread..
The guy is just way to expensive for me..
He would probably be asking around 7k for my case which I think is a ripoff..
I would also have to fly up to San Fran and book a hotel which would probably add another thousand bucks for that!

Offline Hux

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Hux, first I applaud your courage - especially at age 19 - to post your pictures, and especially to talk with your parents about your condition. I'm 48 and for all my life have had a chest that looks a lot like yours. Whether I've slimmed down - I've run a marathon - or worked out - have at times been able to do 100 pushups in a row and 20 pullups in a row - hasn't mattered, I've still had a flabby chest and my whole life have been embarrassed to take my shirt off in public, especially at the pool or beach. I have a loving wife and only recently talked with her about having surgery.

For me the kicker was my little boy saying in the grocery checkout line - very loudly - "Daddy, you have breasts!" (Groan.)

I am going to see a doctor about having surgery. I want to be able to swim and walk on the beach with my little kids and wife. It is expensive but if you pick a good doctor they will do a good job and from everything I hear it's not something where if you gain weight it will come back: the surgery will be a once-in-a-lifetime event.

I have to disagree with you on one thing: I don't think a surgeon will "say anything" to get your money. A good, reputable surgeon will likely say that he/she can help you, because yes just judging from your pics  (especially your last one) it does look like you have gyne (I'm not going to try to rate it, what's the point?). As a parent I can appreciate your folks' concern about your going under the knife. As a fellow "sufferer" from your condition all I can say is that I wish I'd been doing this 30 years earlier.

(Just think of all the money you'll save not having to buy loose, baggy t-shirts and overshirts to try to hide your chest! <grin>)

If your parents can't or won't help out, I'd suggest you begin to set aside money now, a little at a time, in your savings to eventually fund some or all of the surgery. Best wishes to you.

Thanks for the reply man.
Yea, Surgery needs to be done.
Right now it's just about finding the "right" surgeon for the job that also charges a reasonable price.


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