Author Topic: New Here- Advice Desparately needed- Liposuction only surgery a disaster!  (Read 2411 times)

Offline W1NNER

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for reading, After years of torment and suffering I decided to get Surgery for my Gynecomastia.

I'm a 29 year old male approx 5'11" and weight 174 lbs I have a low body fat percentage of around 11% and I’m in good physical shape. I suffer from mild Gynecomastia having large puffy protruding nipples not actual women shaped breasts in some severe cases but none the less I still have to wear 3 t-shirts and very conscious all the time about my problem. I chose a surgeon that was recommended to me by my GP as I was unable to get this done on the NHS the cost was £4200GBP (although it p*sses me off they look after junkies and crack addicts free of charge!)anyways- I thought it was a small price to pay to get my life and confidence back!

At the time the surgeon explained he would need to do some liposuction around the nipples and then make a half moon shape incision underneath the nipples and remove the tissue. I agreed this was the way forward and went ahead with the surgery.
After surgery, the surgeon told me that the incisions were not necessary and the Gynescomastia was completely removed by liposuction?! I was surprised as that was not what I was told pre op?  After removing the bandages a week later I was shocked to find that my chest was completely flat but the nipples were still protruding which looked even worse due to the fact my chest was now completely fat. I was told that the lumps pushing my nipples out was scar tissue caused by the lipo and will settle within the next 3 months or so.... 6 Months later nothing has changed and I can feel hard lumps underneath my nipples which is causing me a lot of distress.
The reason I’ve posted this is that was hoping someone could give me some advice as my surgeon is not prepared to do anything about this and I’m now feeling worse than before surgery in fact I’m feeling very depressed even more self conscious and feel like cutting out the offending tissue myself!!- that’s how bad it is not to mention all the usual nasty comments from my mates dude boobs/bitch breasts bore bore yawn Zzzzz. I appreciate its difficult to tell without photos but my question is it possible to remove Gynecomastia completely with Liposuction? without the need to make insertions and remove the tissue or do you think the surgeon has not done a proper job and simply removed the fat around the tissue and not the Gynecomastia itself which has made the nipples more prominent and protruding?
If this is the case where do I stand, its not like he is a cowboy builder and I can report him to trading standards..? Does he have to correct this free of charge or can  I get my money back? Does anyone know where I stand as I wish I never had it done in the first place- please help!

Thanks for taking the time to read it any/all help is greatly appreciated



Offline rich19007

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Dude, that sucks.  If he doesn't correct it or give you your money back, I'd talk to a lawyer and get it back that way. 

Offline outertrial

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I would report it to the General Medical Council, all doctors in the UK have to be registered through the GMC and its the first point of contact if you want to make a complaint. Im not sure what will happen and its probably better not to get too excited but I would try that first.


Offline W1NNER

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Thanks for your advice guys, i didnt realise i could do that ;o) The last thing i want to do is sue or report doctors i just want it fixed! cheers


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