Author Topic: Sex next week. scared as hell.  (Read 9608 times)

Offline sickman

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been with this girl for 4 months, we know eachother so well
and we both think its tha right time...
i'm so pumped, this girl is just so amazing and i'd do her over anyone
but somethings scaring me.
my gyne.
we're bookin a hotel next week, and she wants shower sex too.
that DEFINATELY requires me to take my top off
i mean even in bed, how can we do it in a vest?
argh, im so pissed off.
the catch 22 is... i'm booking levick for start of May
so i've got the opportunity to do her WITHOUT gyne lol in about 2 months.
should i bail out next week and wait 2 months?
i mean i could tell her i got it, and say im getting rid of it. but it might not settle well with her 'manly' figure of me.
any tips?? please (this 16 year old needs advice)

Offline Personal

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Just let her know about your Gynecomastia and see what she says..I don't think she will back down.

Offline SamUK

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by your discription it sounds like she is really into you and if she cares she will be fine about it, but i have not had your problem yet so im might not be the person to tell ya

Offline JeepKuntry

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Most guys have never had a problem but the question to ask them is how old were the women when they had sex?  My guess is alot of 16 yr olds are still immature.  Do you  want to risk her telling people at your school?  Also, you'll have to wait for a bit after your surgery for the swelling to go down and the scars will be pretty obvious.  Good luck!

Offline nipman

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Dude just beat, if she says something tell her to f-off.

Offline puff916

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bottom line is u need to bang.  If she decides to call u out and tell her friends which i really doubt, u just say her kooch smells like roast beef....haha.

Offline Puff Daddy

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Turn up the cold water and pretend the hot water heater is broken.  Then try to finish off really really quick before your nips go back to normal size.

I had sex last night for the first time since my surgery three weeks ago.  The girl wanted to do it in the semi-dark because of a scar on HER back that she was self-conscious of... so then she never noticed my surgery scars.  Sex without a shirt. Man, you know?

OH, and man, you're too young to be having sex... but I was doing it at 16 and I know you will too.  So please please please use protection.  That junk ruins lives.

Offline Bolognianips

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This is going to be a little off the cuff, but the safest, and most comfortable way to have sex in the shower (maybe not the most advanced),  is from behind with her bent over.  If you wawnt to try a front on approch, your going to end up trying to work for some leverage, and you stand a pretty good chance of slipping, but more importantly,  Weather she notices or not, the fact that she isnt looking at your chest will do wonders for your state of mind.  After your done, tell her you need to get a bottle of water, and throw on some cloths and dissapear into the lobby looking for a vending machine.  10 minutes later she will be laying in bed with a towel on watching tv.

Dont give her a second to think about your chest, be aggressive, and blow her socks off.  Involve alot of movement and position changes (dont break contact if she is nearing climax).  Stay focused on her "passion points" (neck, ears, inner arm at elbow, inner thigh, lower back, between and at her brests).

It will keep your mind going, and hers so hopefully no one with be thinking about your chest.

If you can pull this off, you need to change your nickname to RazzleDazzle.

Offline xxxxxxxxxx

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been with this girl for 4 months, we know eachother so well
and we both think its tha right time...
i'm so pumped, this girl is just so amazing and i'd do her over anyone
but somethings scaring me.
my gyne.
we're bookin a hotel next week, and she wants shower sex too.
that DEFINATELY requires me to take my top off
i mean even in bed, how can we do it in a vest?
argh, im so pissed off.
the catch 22 is... i'm booking levick for start of May
so i've got the opportunity to do her WITHOUT gyne lol in about 2 months.
should i bail out next week and wait 2 months?
i mean i could tell her i got it, and say im getting rid of it. but it might not settle well with her 'manly' figure of me.
any tips?? please (this 16 year old needs advice)

My advice.

Put the thing on hold. If you need help coming up with an excuse I will be happy to do it since I am very good at making them up

The best thing you can do now is avoid it.

Maybe you can show us your breasts so we can see how bad it is

Offline notobvious

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been with this girl for 4 months, we know eachother so well
and we both think its tha right time...
i'm so pumped, this girl is just so amazing and i'd do her over anyone
but somethings scaring me.
my gyne.
we're bookin a hotel next week, and she wants shower sex too.
that DEFINATELY requires me to take my top off
i mean even in bed, how can we do it in a vest?
argh, im so pissed off.
the catch 22 is... i'm booking levick for start of May
so i've got the opportunity to do her WITHOUT gyne lol in about 2 months.
should i bail out next week and wait 2 months?
i mean i could tell her i got it, and say im getting rid of it. but it might not settle well with her 'manly' figure of me.
any tips?? please (this 16 year old needs advice)

My advice.

Put the thing on hold. If you need help coming up with an excuse I will be happy to do it since I am very good at making them up

The best thing you can do now is avoid it.

Maybe you can show us your breasts so we can see how bad it is

that is absolutely terrible advice, ignore this guy

Offline xxxxxxxxxx

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Offline notobvious

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You're basically telling him to let it ruin his life. He has the chance now, if this girl really likes him she'll accept it and if she won't and she'll bully him about it then that's probably a good indicator he shouldn't have anything to do with her. Sure if it affects his life he should get it fixed but by making excuses and holding off then he's just letting it affect him more. If he tells her it will be so much better, what do you prefer, tip-toeing around a girl and hiding it and constantly making excuses or letting her know and being comfortable around her? I dunno about you but I consider trust pretty important in relationships.

Offline xxxxxxxxxx

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Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person
The condition and resulting obligation of having confidence placed in one

He hasnt been open about his gynaecomastia. He has not taken a leap of fate. A woman who likes you will not just bend over and let you stick it to her. She will want to see you. Once he takes of his shirt it will become evident that he kept this from her.

He came here asking for advice not for words of encouragement.

I gave him my advice. There is nothing more I can do
« Last Edit: March 31, 2007, 07:02:33 PM by xxxxxxxxxx »

Offline notobvious

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exactly, but he's considering being open about it, and you're telling him not to in a situation it is probably the logical thing to do.

Offline xxxxxxxxxx

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logical ?

On what grounds ?


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