Author Topic: Marijuana and gyne?  (Read 6965 times)

Offline orion5

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What does everyone else think about weed and gyne? i'm convinced my one sided gynecomastia was cause by excessive smoking of weed. All my hormone tests have been normal?

Offline moobius

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im convinced there's no solid correlation

Offline Mikecosta

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might as well be on the safe side and not smoke at all  ::) I meen , besides burning a whole in your wallet im sure you can find better use of your time and money then smoking weed and burning brain and lung cells.

Offline right on

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I smoked herb pretty heavily for about 4 years and I think it definitely intensified my gnyecomastia. I might have had it a little before but it just got worse and worse. I have since quit smokin.

Offline Teflon

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Today's strong strains of grass are loaded with phytoestrogens, that are delivered to the bloodstream directly. i wish someone would quantify it, like how many bong hits equals a mg of hormone (?) Who's to say. If you're smoking heavily and regularly it could be the same as being on pharmaceutical HRT.

Stoner Boobies and/or Pot breasts are real.

Offline ihatemymanboobs

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the reason that maja is making your Gynecomastia worse is because we all know that when u blaze u get hungry and then food comes into play LOTS of it and you body could possibly be storing fat in ur upper body

i smoke and my boobs are pretty big

Offline clockwrk

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I think the correlation is between smoking getting the munchies and gaining weight which in some men make your chest larger because that is where you store fat most easily. Same thing with alcohol, a crap load of calories in alcohol! Most of the time when you don't have strong correlations there is a 3rd variable present that people tend to ignore. 


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i used to smoke alot of weed daily and well, look where i am now.

Offline Colorado_John

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      I smoked copious amounts in my youth. Not even so much as a 'fried egg'.
  Mine came on after a tumour.

Offline knicho94

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When I stopped smoking for a few months I noticed a small change in my gyno. It got smaller. I missed weed alot, and it was a special occasion so I smoked. I can definatley see a difference. Larger and they stick out more. Not by a ton, but noticeably for me.

Offline jojo82

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Several studies have implicated delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in temporarily decreasing testosterone levels in men. The correlation has already been proven (the meta-analysis by Barnett, Chiang, and Licko being the most definitive). The mechanism of action is not well understood. Some studies have ruled out the possibility of thc disrupting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone conversion- it possibly acts directly on androgen receptors in prostatic tissue.

If anyone has a study that refutes the research of Barnett, Chiang, and Licko, then please post it. I have yet to find any.


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smoked weed everyday for 6 or 7 years.....didnt get it until after i stopped.

Offline chopper

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I started smoking weed years after I had gyne and its not made it worse or better. A day after my op I smoked a joint...I'm really not worried personally, but if you have low testosterone and high estrogen then it could cause you hassle i guess
I could be badly wrong and start growing gyne again ...I'll report back if it happens, but i'm quietly confident all will be ok with me anyway


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I started smoking years after I got gyne. I have quit for months at a time, and it has not affected it in any way.


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