Author Topic: how do i minimize the puffy nips appearance?  (Read 4574 times)

Offline rivendell23

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hey all. am glad i found this site and i can finally post the questions i've been wanting to ask for the longest time. im 26 y/o and i definitel think i have the puffy nip condition. it's the reason why i've recently taken to working out at the gym since i've really come to dislike the appearance of my chest. anybody in here know what kind of exercises i should do to minimize the look of the puffy nip? in the pic that's on here, i've just taken a bath so it's not as obvious. but in certain times of the day, they do puff out and i really don't wanna do surgery since i think it's still pretty minor.  ideas?


Offline Hux

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pinching the nipples will make em stay smaller for like 20 seconds...
cold water..

I don't know of anything that could last a while though..

Offline gyneman

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Not bad at all Dude. Don't risk it with an operation, you may get f'ked up operated nipples. You look fine, again don't risk it.

Offline **Gynefor**

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Same opinion as Gyneman. There is nothing bad at all. Some sports would help. Go and have a look at some specialised sites which will tell you what to do to build up your chest.

Offline buble

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Same opinion as Gyneman. There is nothing bad at all. Some sports would help. Go and have a look at some specialised sites which will tell you what to do to build up your chest.

I agree 100%
Surgery Date: Jan 9, 2007
Dr. H. Ukani, Vancouver, BC
Pre/post pics:

Offline andyd01

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Hi mate, im from liverpool, UK. New to the site. Have a worse case of gyne myself which i will soon provide evidence of when i get my profile sorted.
I used to do loads of weightlifting, pairing certain musclegroups for heavy weights and different excercises to tone up.
In your case, i would suggest that the likes of benchpressing heavy weights would not be the way to go (like i found out) as this pushes out the chest.
I would suggest that in order to get the best results and try to get rid of the puffy nipples you need to do excersises which lift and widen the chest.
Lie down on a bench get two weights of about 5 kilos (because this is about repetition not weight).
Hold them in both hands and bring both arms into a controlled position where they are above the level of the bench and you look to do a flying motion.
Make sure you dont bring your arms to low as you will pull fibres, and also make sure that both arms meet when bringing them up. Do this as many times as you can, if you take short breaks and work in sets you will find it easy to repeat many times.
Unfortunately i am way past any of this working for me as my case has been brought on through puberty since about 14years old and im now 19. Im fed up of playing the waiting game and getting the runaround from doctors, its a painful experience on many levels.
I hope ive helped in someway despite my instructions being vague although im sure youve heard of it before.
Good look to you and to everyone else going through this shitty time.


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