Author Topic: What exercises?  (Read 3599 times)

Offline caps84

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I'm interested into what exercises would be good to reduce the fattyness in the breast area?  Are there certain ones for burning fat/toning (?)/building muscle?  As for toning, wouldn't that just make for a more defined cleavage?

Before anyone says bench-press, i dont have one handy and i, ahem, am not a great fan on the gym.

Has anyone had any decent results from 'em?

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Offline I-Hate-Gyno

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   What's up caps84? I have been working out for 6 year, and believe you me; I have not invented one yet.
You have to burn more cal's. then you consume in a giving day, but the sad thing is you are going to burn fat all over the body not in one area. Chest exercises (weight lifting) is very good for the chest it gives it a well contour look, and it will hide the gyno a little depending on your case. when I go to the gym nobody knows that I have gyno, and in my case it hangs a little below the chest muscle so that a plus(for know).
 Good luck Caps...

  I-H-G, Hal-La ;)
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