Author Topic: Question???  (Read 3201 times)

Offline mmaman

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I had surgery 5 days ago. My compression is off and it looks the exact same as before surgery. The doc said that following post-surgery should look like it did before surgery, sometimes even worse. He said that it will take a couple of months to fully heal. Why does there still feel and look like the same amount of gland is there.? Anyone else have this same experience? I was surprised the PS said that I could return to the gym this weekend if I kept it light. 

Offline W1NNER

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allo mate,

i'm suprised your back to the gym take it easy you dont want to burst your stitches your body has gone through some vicious surgury so i would give it at least couple of weeks the world wont stop spinning if you dont train for a month or so go for a gentle walk and build up you will could damage all your surgeons good work!, you should notice a difference in contour and reduction of the breast area but the true results will not be seen until the swelling and brusing go down. After a few months if your still not happy go back and see what your PS has to say or get a second opion

Say in best mr miagi voice.."patience is a virtue daniel son, man who wait and be realistic be happier bonzai tree not grow in one night or catch fly with chop stick without patience..wax on..wax off.."  :o



Offline MRD

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If you are 5 days post-op your compression garment should NOT be off at all.
For the first week my PS told me to not even touch my chest, and avoid too much movement. It wasnt until 1 week when i had my compression taken off and the foam pads under it removed, and at that point i had a completely flat chest. Now im told to continue wearing the compression for another 2 weeks, and only take it off for quick showers.  I recommend you keep your chest compressed for 3 weeks and then see if theres any improvement. Good luck  ;)

Offline sammy

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Don't worry mmaman ( posted this in the wrong place bf)

It is perfectly normal, indeed expected, for the area to appear the same for some time afterwards. The reason is simply that the void that is created in the breast by the removal of the gynecomastia tissue is filled with blood in the form of blood clots, haematoma and scar tissue. Which causes the breast to protrude much like it did before. During the first week of recovery this new mass hardens and comes to resemble the tissue that was removed so it is easy to mistake it for gynecomastia. After my surgery I was convinced that the operation had failed to remove all of the tissue as I felt this hard tissue also, and so felt pretty dejected and demoralised. However I was reassured my my surgeon and my local doctor (who was not aware that I had the surgery) that this would break down over the coming weeks. I'm now 4 weeks post op and this hard tissue has largely dissapeared and I'm very pleased with the result.

I guess you just can't judge it's success so soon after the op!


Offline mmaman

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thanks sammy

Offline buble

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My surgeon advised me to stay out of the gym for at least 6 weeks, after which time i can start doing LIGHT exercise, not involving my chest.  He also advised me to keep the compression vest on for 2 months for best results.  I followed his advice and I'm very happy with the outcome.  Good luck to you.
Surgery Date: Jan 9, 2007
Dr. H. Ukani, Vancouver, BC
Pre/post pics:


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