Author Topic: stuck as what to do now!!  (Read 2180 times)

Offline jmxt2

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rite so went to doctors and have been told i am fine and do not have gyno and it will go. (just like that!) I wasnt rele taken seriously which upset me as i had to build up the courrage to go.
im not 100 percent the doctor is rite as he didnt have a propper feel and he cudnt seem to feel the lumpy area which i know is there!. cutting a long story short after insisting i wasnt happy he said its just fat and it will just go. I would see another doctor for a second opinion but that would mean changing doctors and having to travel to see another doctor as i live in a small village. also time is running out for me i only have till july to get it all booked as i will be going to university soon and as i will be in germany already in july i want to get it done then as i will not have the opotunity to go to europe till next summer! thats a whole year of suffering! and missing out. am i being ralistic in expecting and op in july?

either way i know that i want and need surgery. i want to go to poland   

There are two options for me if it is gyne have the gyne surgery. if not i want lipo to remove the fat.
what i want to know is how can i go about booking an op if im not 100percent   on what the problem is. Im going to try and book for lipo to remove the fat as i have to take into consideration what the doctor has said and il have trust he knows what he is talking about.  If i was to get to poland and they said no its gyne am i gnna waste a trip or is it possible just to do that op?

                                           i hope someone can help as im totaly stuck as what to do next

Offline orion5

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I guess you went to see your GP? I was in the same position, but i did have to put up with the being told to wait for almost 2 years. But i would try to get reffered to a surgeon as soon as possible then things start to happen. Alot of GPs are very dismissive towards young people ( i assumed you were young?) presenting with gynecomastia. My advice? Don't take no for an answer and really try to convey how much this is effecting you mentally.

Good luck mate,

Offline Alexfocus

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Go see a surgon and just see what they have to say, I would think they should be able to tell you right away. Also look on the pics on here and see if you look like you have what they do.

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
a guy knows when things are not normal but the penny pinching doctors dont want to risk spending the NHS's money
personally im glad i went to poland as now im moob less :)
Ask your doctor for a blood test to check that your condition isnt hormones and then choose your next step if all is clear :)
it can happen as quickly as you want it to :) (money permitting)
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity


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