Author Topic: Male Mammograms ?????????????  (Read 4445 times)

Offline geno

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Should a guy with Gynecomastia have a mammogram and a breast exam?  ??? Are there any web-site that tell how to do a self breast exam, or if you should have one done by a doctor and also about if a man with gyno should have a mammogram???

Offline Paa_Paw

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This is a very good question which does not get asked nearly as often as it should.

Breast cancer is very rare in men, but it does happen. Yes, mammograms are sometimes done on men.

I've never had a mammogram, But my wife came home from the Doctor with a pamphlet having instructions for a self exam which she gave to me.  Yes, I do the self exam.

Lots of the guys here don't even like to think about such things.   Realistically, It does no harm to do the self exam periodically and be safe.  But as to the mammogram, I think that is a question that you should take up with your Doctor.  His answer may depend on other risk factors such as family history etc.  

Grandpa Dan


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Should a guy with Gynecomastia have a mammogram and a breast exam?  ??? Are there any web-site that tell how to do a self breast exam, or if you should have one done by a doctor and also about if a man with gyno should have a mammogram???

I prefer to examine my patients and use clinical judgement to order male mammograms.  Not all places that do mammograms have much experience in performing male mammograms.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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