Author Topic: Going to do something now!!!!!!!!  (Read 2695 times)

Offline mustard

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Hello people, Im 29 and ive finally given up on trying to cope with my problem! The crunch came on Saturday when I had Another blazing arguement with my girlfriend. We had planned to go out in the afternoon. it turned out to be very warm outside, I dont go out without a big jumper or coat on so just couldnt face going outside with just a t-shirt, so we stayed in. I got the problem at puberty and since havent been in public with just one layer on, havent played team sports, Havent been swimming for 16 years, been on holiday anywhere hot (friends would invite me but would have to make excuse) always worked night shifts so I can get away with wearing layers and generally very depressed with it. I cant express in words how much I hate myself! Im not a vain person, I have a little fat in places and i love everything else about myself, but I have a flabby pointy chest. Ive been going gym for the last 4 months and trying to tone things up, but the more weight i lose and muscles I build the worse they seem to stick out! My life would be complete with a flat chest, I know how sad I sound but I would feel so relieved!
Ive had surgery in the past on my upper and lower jaws because they grew wrong and i had little bite. I assume this hormone inbalance is why I have Gyne.
Ive just found this site and already feel a little better, as i have never written or told anyone of my hangup. My girlfriend knows why I wont go out but I wont disscuss it, Im ashamed and have made it a taboo subject.
People are saying it takes 18 months on NHS, anyone been quicker?
Ive looked at rough prices for private and dont think I will ever be able to afford it without selling some of my things (Although i know it would be worth it!) im very interested to here of you guys having or have had the treatment in Poland. My Girlfriend is Polish, shes from Gdansk. Anyone know of a surgeon in this area?
Well thats my story. Im going to be on this site daily. I think this is a great site from what I have read so far. Good luck to everyone!!!

Mustard ::)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 03:59:01 PM by mustard »

Offline Diesel

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Hi Mustard,

Nothin vein about wanting to rid your body of gynecomastia  ;)
Perhaps you could provide pics, so we can give opinions of what it looks like and what you should or should not have done.

Everyone here knows what a pain in the ass gyno is, but were here to help eachother. Have you discussed it with your GP?

Keep us posted.

Offline mustard

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Thanks for the reply. Im going to see my GP in the morning, guess she will make a referral to see a specialist at the hospital. After tommorow im sure ill start to feel better, knowing ive started things rolling. i cant stress enough how pleased i am that this site exists. I didnt realise others suffer with the same feelings. It sounds bad but im kinda glad others have the same problem and im not alone. Ill take my girlfriend to GP, maybe she will understand more and be a little more sympathetic towards me. And ill have to try and not get upset with her when im having a bad day, and everything I put on makes me feel crap.
Ive read about the results people have had and think im doing the right thing. Im not bothered about scars etc... ill be just happy with a flat chest and be able to wear clothes that fit.

Thanks again

Mustard ;D       
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 04:49:49 PM by mustard »

Offline orion5

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I'm only 16, so i had to wait for 18 months or so until the consultant was satisfied it wasn't going to correct it, but i'm only having to wait 3/4 weeks after him agreeing to do the op. I did pester him like a bitch though :P

Offline Diesel

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I looked at your pics and it looks pretty standard. I see no reason why you cant have an awesome looking chest with a little work done  ;) The even better news is that your nipples appear to not be puffy, and they can puff out again after surgery (which obv would be a pain in the ass) so you'll avoid that.
Your pics remind me of another user on these boards: Grandpa bambu

His case is similar to yours, and look at him now, brilliant.

Offline mustard

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Thanks for the photos, given me more confidence on what can be done. Looks quite painfull but would be better than another 16 years of mental pain. Im going to be seeing my GP in about 1 hour, very nervous about talking to someone about it, but kinda looking forward to it also. Ill be back later to say how it all went.



Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Hi Mustard,

Welcome to the boards.  We all understand that huge sense of relief when you ralise that we aren't alone.

The only thing I would add to the replies you have already received is something that worked for me.  I found it difficult in the early days to discuss the subject with my g/f (my gyne appeared suddenly later in life).  She was always supportive but couldn't really grasp the effect those damn things had on me and I wasn't able to be as open as I could have been.  When I found this site I asked her to have a look at it. She obviously spent some time reading peoples stories and she realised then the kind of anguish sufferers go through. As I say she was always supportive, but after looking at this site she totally understood.  From that point on she was always thoughtful of how I would feel and was absolutely superb helping me through the surgery and that important first few weeks afterwards.

Good luck to you.  There really is a way out of this nightmare.
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006


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