Author Topic: Second sergury after 4 months  (Read 4565 times)

Offline kostas

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Hi everybody ,first I will like to apologize for my bad english but I hope youll understand my problem, I am 31 years old and I used to be a little bit fat as a teenager ,around the age of 24 I started training very hard (martial arts) and finally I got a nice body but never dry (abbs etc) , my chest wasent as I was imagining it (firmed and dry) so by the the end of 2006 I went to a  plastic surgent .He told me that I had fake gynekomastia and he was planning to treat it with liposuction only , I asked why he wasent planning to remove glad tissue and he said it didnt needed...yeh right....
After the surgery and 3 months of training hard my chest wasent in any way as I imaning it would be ,I have to say that it got smaller but I still had breasts and puffy nipples and I am sure that this happend because he didnt removed glad tissue  ..
So I went to another surgent  and planned a revision where glad and fat would be removed.
I had the surgery one week ago and today I saw my chest and I have to tell you that I am terrified.. when I strecthing my muscles nipples dissapear ,specially the right one where I think he removed too much glad . I  know that its been only one week from surgery but I dont think this will ever look right ..I am really terrified

Offline PeterBateman

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Offline kostas

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These photos where taken with a mobile phone and also with my hands raised in order to take the shot It looks much worst with my hands down ,You think this will ever look smooth ?is it really too early to take guesses?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2007, 01:54:45 PM by kostas »

Offline PeterBateman

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your left nip looks like its attaching to scar tissue (im NO DOCTOR...)...are you massaging yet?  my PS says after one week go at 'er, 3X a day, for 5 minutes each time TOTAL.  you also look a bit overweight, I'm guessing 30 lbs over, so maybe address that as a factor?

Offline kostas

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I am an athlete and I eat a lot so these 10 days of practice I ve gained a little weight and I have to tell you that after the surgery everybody says that I look  little bit like a small balloon ..I dont know why this happened but it also happend after the first surgery and a few days later the swalling left my body ,I guess its a body reaction ..
But you also saw that its something wrong with this nipple .You said that maybe the nipple its attached to scar tissue ,does it let go with the massage or they stick together forever after the surgery ? As I massage it it feels like the area is solid rock under the nipple.
Thank you very much

Offline PeterBateman

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i think ive read that if you DONT massage the area HARD (if it is in fact your nip attached to scar tissue) that it can be i would maybe go see PS and see if this is your situation...ASAP
just keep massaging the hell out of it until you see the PS

Offline kostas

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I have an appointment with him monday morning ,so I start massage it assap till monday
Thank you very much for the advice

Offline PeterBateman

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sounds good, good luck

Offline kostas

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Went to ps this morning he cut some sticthes and said that everything is ok and that everything is in my mind, but before this when he saw my nipple he offered a small revision surgery but instantly he changed his mind ,I dont know why ..I am very dissapointed and I dont know what to do ...I hope that maybe it ll start look better after a few weeks


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