Author Topic: Pre-op advice  (Read 2794 times)

Offline LFC

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Hi guys - I've my pre-op consultation this week and I'm getting very anxious about whether I'm doing the right thing.

My issue is primarily puffy, pointy nipples and small amount of fat and dispersed gland. I'm having lipo and excision by Dr. Delgado in San Francisco (Novato, actually).

I'm worrried more about the outcome than the actual surgery. Asymmetry, concavity, scarring, numbness, etc are all on my mind big time.  :-\

How did you guys feel before, during, and after your pre-op consultation?

Offline gizoto316

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LFC, I am shopping for surgeons right now.  How much are you getting the surgery for?  I live about an hour and a half from SF.

Offline LFC

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Approx. $7k.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I'm worrried more about the outcome than the actual surgery. Asymmetry, concavity, scarring, numbness, etc are all on my mind big time.  :-\

All the things you mentioned a very much a possible reality. However, you should not 'worry' about them. If they happen, they happen dude. Nothing you can do about it. Those are the 'risks' you must be willing to take if you have GRS.

How did you guys feel before, during, and after your pre-op consultation?

Before: Anxious...
During: Confident...
After   : Relieved...


Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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All the things you mentioned a very much a possible reality. However, you should not 'worry' about them. If they happen, they happen dude. Nothing you can do about it. Those are the 'risks' you must be willing to take if you have GRS.

I think that is excellent advice GB.

We have to consider the risks and weight them according to our priorities.  We also have to have realistic expectations of what results we might achieve.  If someone is expecting perfection then I’m pretty sure that person will be disappointed.  Expect improvement, but don’t expect miracles.

I considered all of the above factors including, concavities, adhesion etc before my surgery and to some degree I have a little of those after my surgery, but hell, I can wear clothes and look “normal” now.  I even look passable with my shirt off.  Before surgery I was always hiding my chest under layers and layers of clothes and now I don’t have to.  My chest isn’t perfect but it’s a damn sight better than it was.

What I would say to someone considering surgery is this.  Look at the risks and decide that if the worst happens will you still look and feel better than you did before surgery?  Only you can decide.

Good luck.
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline LFC

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You guys are great! Thanks for your positive words  :)

Dr. Delgado mentioned that he uses a pretty aggressive technique. I want to definitely avoid concavities and adhesions, etc so I've asked him to be less aggressive in my case.

Good idea or bad idea? Part of me wonders whether I should just let him do his thing...

What do you think?

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Go for it dude. IMO, the risks far outweigh the alternative!  ;)

There was no question at all in my mind what had to be done!


Awesome post my man. Agree 100%...


Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You guys are great! Thanks for your positive words  :)

NP dude!

Dr. Delgado mentioned that he uses a pretty aggressive technique. I want to definitely avoid concavities and adhesions, etc so I've asked him to be less aggressive in my case.

Ending up with concavities is caused by removing too much tissue, not by being aggressive. Surgeon skill level is the predominant factor regarding concavities. Knowing 'just how much' to remove is the key!  ;)


Offline jackmac

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i am going for mine on 16th may

and i am so positive but little worried

but i think i will be more than fine.

God is with me and by 5000$ payment my doc as well.

so what i got to loos.


be confident and positive

it will be over in no time.


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