Author Topic: Morning coffee chat, any topic:  (Read 43435 times)

Offline tryingtoaccept

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Their opinions are as meaningful to me as rubbish. I did 45 years of trying to "fit in", and not doing that aga😉
I am glad you have reached a point of true comfort in your acceptance with life.  Stay strong my friend.
Redfox 🦊

Offline Justagirl💃

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The day-centre transportation director told me yesterday morning that I was to receive an award, my picture on the website, etc... for having won the billiards tournament (I knew better).

Later that afternoon he returns to "shake my hand" and tell me, "thanks for participating."

I could have told him that was all I would receive earlier. I'm not well liked by management. 
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline Justagirl💃

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A humorous cartoon to start your day.....
« Last Edit: May 16, 2024, 11:56:07 AM by Justagirl💃 »

Offline tryingtoaccept

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A humorous cartoon to start your day.....
It is sad that management is treating you like that.  All because you don't fit the cookie cutter definition of gender. It is a shame. 

Funny cartoon.

Offline WPW717

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The gravity one made me chuckle, we used to tease the newbies in the OR that dropped anything by having them call maintenance and instruct them to turn the gravity down in the room.

I am sure maintenance got tired of that one !
Regards, Bob

Offline Evolver

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Reminds me of sending new apprentices to the store to get a long weight. Of course, the guys there were on board, and only too happy to give them a long wait! 😆

Offline WPW717

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Then there was the ‘ quick, go to the boatswain mate and he 50 feet of chow line ‘ gig that broke the boredom of the  cruise.

Offline Moobzie

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In the Air Force, new mechanics were sent out to get 10 yards of flight line and 5 gallons of prop wash ....

Offline Justagirl💃

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Offline WPW717

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Offline Justagirl💃

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Good morning! Hope everyone is having a splendid weekend.  

Offline tryingtoaccept

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My weekend went great,  did a little yard work and watched some cheesy 1970s and 80s horror movies.

Offline Justagirl💃

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Occupational therapist came over last night to go over procedures for getting sorted in the mornings. 

She walked over to my closet and was admiring my bra collection when she remarked, "I didn't know they made a "strapless" in a bra this big!"

We went over procedures to minimise falls whilst dressing. 

Offline taxmapper

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Occupational therapist came over last night to go over procedures for getting sorted in the mornings.

She walked over to my closet and was admiring my bra collection when she remarked, "I didn't know they made a "strapless" in a bra this big!"

We went over procedures to minimise falls whilst dressing.
gotta love that! 

In time if I feel right, Ill tell a harrowing tale of some very harsh events. 
I just need to feel good about it first. 

But Ill tell you this much, politics in NM are a diff. breed of cat. 
so when you come out here, you may see things you like and don't. 

Offline taxmapper

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OK... Time to find a new primary provider, and hopefully one that wont lecture me or be indifferent and offset by what I am. 


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