Author Topic: astral projection  (Read 12996 times)

Offline carguy

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what do you know about it? Is it real?
I'm wondering what you guys think about this altered state of consciousness.

Offline Gynosaur

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Of course it isn't real.  Bunch of superstition.

Offline carguy

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They say its like dreams. You know I got a feeling that when a lot of people mention something that it might have some truth to it.
I lucid dream all the time. People say you can't read in dreams but I do it all the time. I even talk to people.
Could you explain that?

Offline Gynosaur

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Reading or talking to people while dreaming is not astral projection.  Find anyone who claims to do astral projection, and set up an experiment.  Have a table with 5 unusual items in one room, and let him spend a week in an adjacent room.  After the week, see if he can name the 5 items.

If you can find anyone who can successfully do that, I will personally pay you a billion dollars and cut off my surgically sculpted nipples and throw them away.

Offline carguy

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I am just saying, there are some things people claim are impossible and superstitious that can be done.
I am schizophrenic(probably from the stress of gyne) and happened to see people's faces take the form of demons and vampires. I also heard demonic voices telling me they were going to chop my body into pieces and throw it in a dumpster,etc.
You can call it hallucinations(but people play down that word and think its "made up stuff" for druggies).
I was AWAKE it is was very scary.  To the point I tried to kill myself from the fear. A lot of mentally ill(maybe wrong word) have seen the same thing and also things related to religion(like demons).
Doctors only answer for this is a chemical imbalance. Key word imbalance. So is this imbalance allowing us to see another world in front of us? or is "made up" like dreams?

I've had visions(hypnogogia) that come true. All I'm saying is don't cast judgment on things you never done or experienced.
I bet you've even been close to astral projecting and never knew. Have you had sleep paralysis? or been in that type of state(trance- which is a term in psychology)  and could move an invisible arm while you can see your body laying still. I have. I've also been in a trance and all of sudden start hovering over my body. I wasn't even trying or aware of what it was. Get your money ready when I learn more ;D
One more question. Have you seen your room and known your physical eyes are closed and you are asleep? That's called third eye. What you use to see hypnogogia which is also a psychology term.

Offline headheldhigh01

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i think there are too many credible stories out there, including stuff like identifying what was in the friend's box, albert taylor visited a friend's house and described things you couldn't know otherwise and i don't think he was making it up.  i know somebody who had an obe once, although it didn't last long enough like the other stories.  if i had more time, i'd like to do more experimenting myself. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline carguy

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I think people don't believe it because its become pop-culture like the term "karma". It was even in the Simpsons movie.
I made this thread just to open peoples eyes.
I've actually had a few experiences starting last Christmas.
I was waking up from a lucid(aware that I was dreaming) dream and instead of normally waking up, my body started to vibrate intensely and then I "materialized" into another place. It felt way more real than a dream. In fact I know it was not a dream.
They say we project every night. Dreams are a form of astral projection. Its just that our subconscious mind has taken over.
If you become fully aware(more aware than lucid dreaming) then its an AP.
I actually wrote down a bunch of my stories.
When you project you can be anywhere or create anything with a mere thought. Fun! The colors are so vivid and way better than this reality.
I've been to the Moon, Egypt, Greece, Tibet, Mars, etc.
The only thing is that I don't know how close these places are to the real locations because on the astral planes these places are just
duplicates of the real thing and they might have a few differences.
AP is a skill that I'm still learning.
I used to be a skeptic so I know how people feel. But my experiences changed all of that.
Its even related to my schizophrenia. I think schizophrenia is like a radio tuning into a station. My mind happened to be negative and tuned into where demons reside, which is why I heard and saw them here.
Heaven and hell exist right in front of your eyes. Its just that we don't vibrate fast enough to see. This all ties into psychics and mediums too; how they get their knowledge. String Theory also talks about matter vibrating.

From what I've learned so far, I think we are all here because we chose to experience life. In the astral planes you have any and everything at your disposal. Life allows you to see what you are made of without these gifts.
AP is almost like a real life "The Matrix" if you think about it.
To HHH, this is the stuff that's happened to me that I was gonna talk about. I just did know how to start it.

Offline Gynosaur

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Carguy - no offense, but you're buying into a bunch of BS.  Psychics are phony, every single last one of them.  If there was a such thing as seeing into the future or astral projection, the CIA, FBI, and UN would hire them to find Bin Laden or predict things like 9/11 and Katrina and the Haiti earthquake.

String theory says nothing about people seeing into other dimensions.  Our bodies evolved to make use of the 3 spatial dimensions that are relevant to large (non micro) objects.  Go into the physics department of your local university and tell the professor about how string theory lets us see "heaven and hell".   See how seriously he takes you.

Offline carguy

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No offense taken. Ill be honest. I don't know much about string theory but I heard it talks about matter vibrating.

I'm not buying into any bs because I actually DO this. There is another world in front of your eyes. Its like how you can't see ultra-violet rays.
We know they exist but we can't see them.
Everything you are seeing is a reflection of light/frequencies/energy.
I was a skeptic like you till it spontaneously happened to me. The thing is anyone can do this. You like many other people, will find out that consciousness can be separated from the brain. Our bodies are just a vessel to hold spirit. Life exist after our physical death.
Everything that has been imagined or written came from somewhere right? From fairies to dragons to vampires. You'll find out alot of things written in history came from the astral planes.

I don't really believe in magic or these tv psychics but I do believe that we can tap into another world where time doesn't exist and get information about whats going on here. I had a vision of me getting straight A's last semester and I got straight A's. Even though I felt like it wouldn't be possible.
Anything and everything we can imagine exist on the astral planes.

This is something that has been done throughout history (Tibetan/Egyptian Book of the Dead).
There ARE such things as chakras like in the Hindu and Chinese belief systems. There are shamans who could do this from the
Americas to Africa to way over to China. You'll find MANY stories of shamans entering trance.
Thousands of years of this knowledge and you still deny it.
This is like a big piece of a puzzle that makes things start to make sense. Near death experiences? this explains it.
How can you knock something you've never done(consciously)?
Have you ever had a lucid dream before?
What is a dream? Why do we need to dream? We do this every night even if you can't remember.

here is a surprisingly good video on the topic.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 01:11:34 PM by carguy »

Offline Gynosaur

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Ok so here's the deal-

Use your special psychic powers to find out where I live.  Astral project into my house and take note of these 5 things:
-The design on my shower curtain
-The item on the floor near my closet door
-Whose picture is framed on the wall in my room
-The leftmost book on the top shelf of the bookshelf in my room
-The company that makes my alarm clock

You have 3 days to post a comment describing these specific things.  If you can do this within 3 days, I will believe all that superstition from your posts and we'll fly to Mars together.

No IP tracking or computer hacking allowed.

Offline carguy

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Ill try but I need more than 3 days. I have a busy school schedule and this takes a backseat sometimes.
Its a skill so I have to practice. But I will ask about you.
I would like to find out the results as well.
Its hard to even remember your mothers name in a dream but I have some experience/skill with these things so I will get back to you.

Offline carguy

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I failed today because I could not remember your name. Like I said memory in a dream is hard to come by.
Also when I'm in there I get distracted because I want to explore.
I did project and ask for something.
I asked if 'they' could show me something important that I can take back to this reality.
I was shown some words and a vision but my memory is not too great.
I think they said either a "Mother of 8" or "8 children" are missing in Rhode Island of all places. Something to do with 8.
In the vision there were people in those anti-contamination suits or whatever pouring acid or something
into this "valley" where the dead body of the kids or mother was. It looked like a coverup.
I have no idea why I was shown this.
I will write down your name a couple times for memory Gynesaur, so I can get back to you.
Oh yeah, I was shown my grades for this semester again this morning.

Offline Gynosaur

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Offline carguy

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I told you I need more time. Plus I've never done this before.
I'm kinda busy right now.

Offline puffman1

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This is an interesting thread. I am definitely skeptic of it, but since we do only use 10 or 15 percent of our brains, I am not completely close minded to things like this and psychic powers, etc. Most are full of shit, I will agree. I think that we just haven't tapped into how to use other abilities that our brains have, and we just sometimes catch a "whiff" of what we are capable of.

One thing I believe is that our minds are all connected sub consciously or telepathically. I have done no research on anything like this, but my theory comes from my own experience. There are weird things or coincidences that have happened to me a good amount of times that I can remember in my life. For example, I can't tell you how many times I have been driving down the road or something, and randomly I will think of one of my friends for no reason, and then literally in those next few seconds, my cell phone will start ringing and I look down, and it's that person I was thinking about. And I mean random, not like I was expecting them to call or anything. Also along the lines of phones, I have also been in a few situations where me and a friend both called each other at the exact same time, and both got each others voice mail. This only happened with one of my friends, but it happened like 4 times. And again, I'm not saying like we knew that we both happened to be at a football game or something and were trying to find each other, these are just random times with no apparent trigger or pre-determined reason for the call.

Also another thing that has happened to me a good amount of times is when me and someone else will both thinking about something random in silence, and then someone says something about it, and I'm like "holy shit, I was literally just thinking about the same thing" and vice versa. It's like we were just mentally on the same brain wave. Again I mean random things, not thinking about something that was triggered by something that we both just saw, or heard. Random.

Things like this are just too coincidental for me and combined with the fact that we only use like 10 percent of our brain, or whatever it is, is why I am not completely close minded to things such as astral projection and why I also have a theory that we are all somehow connected mentally or telepathically. We just do not know how to use our abilities or what they even are.

These might not be the right terms that I am using, and what I am saying may be confusing, but like I said I have done no research on stuff like this and I find it hard to explain what I am trying to say.

Another idea I have is maybe this is all just the evolution of our brains, and in the far, far future humans will be able to recognize and control these kind of abilities. That is if we don't blow each other up first.

Carguy, have any good links that explain this astral projection stuff? Articles or videos?
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 10:30:38 PM by puffman1 »


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