Author Topic: 3 days post op, this is going to be long  (Read 2121 times)

Offline Ryan1019

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ok so today i had my drains out...WOW what a weird feeling. no pain really at all, the right side came right out then the left drain was way in there...the nurse says to take a deep breath and let it out..i let it out she YANKS on the doesnt come she says repeat and the second the P in the word repeat hits her lips she starts yanking...i almost passed out from that feeling, no pain but man...indescribable.

anyways i was really nervous to see my chest and i saw it..i have 2 holes where the drains were and my nipples not sure what to think about them, the skin feels saggy and the nipple also saggy...the right side of my chest is sunk in...i dont know how long before my nipple goes back to normal and my chest goes back to normal, any advice?

also i have a phobia of showering when i have an open wound, the 2 holes i have im worried about i always think its going to sting or something and i dont want to shower at all..but the nurse is telling me to massage the chest towards the hole so any fluids or anything that wants to come out can...that alone will make me pass out so i cant do that.

Offline unknownman

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Im 5 days post op and I have no drains and the left side of my chest looks saggy so I know what you are saying about your right side I read on here somewhere that it can take up to six months for the chest  to tighten up and look normal looking again so I guess we just have to play the waiting game. Do you have any psot op pics I will try to post some today if possible I tried showering yesterday but I couldnt get my hands over my head so I was only able to wash my lower half


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