Author Topic: 8 DAYS POST OP AND NOT HAPPY!!! HELP  (Read 4478 times)

Offline chroniq

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its been 8 days post op and not too happy. the left side of my chest is swollen still and tender and hard. it feels very heavy and the blk/blue is slowly going away. as for the right side its significally smaller but swollen/tender and hard.
what is this hardness? i will go staright to my ps tomorrow b/c now i am very worried.....any ideas? I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO IT JUST SEEM LIKE SOMETHING IS WRONG I KNOW ITS EARLY STILL BUT ITS BEEN OVER A WEEK AM I JUST PARANOID!


Offline Blarneystoner

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theres always swelling and stuff after a week. wait a while before you start getting worried.
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!

Offline xmeout

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call your doc might be a hematoma(sp) large blood clot.

Offline 15ineedhelp

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8 days????

Some doctors say it take upto 12 months to heal.

Give it some time before you start getting worried.

Offline mmaman

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I am kind of in the same situation. One month post-op. Definite improvement but the side that was bigger before is still a little puffy. It has gotten slightly better over the last couple of weeks, but I hope it goes down a little more. The other side is great.

Chroniq, was your case mainly glandular and relatively minor compared to others you've seen?

Offline gyneman

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Just a heads up. If you had asymmetry before the op, you will have asymmetry after the op.

Offline chroniq

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ok guys i seen him today, he said he never seen it this bad it just means it will take longer to heal. he wants me to apply hot compress on both. mine was mainly lipo i didnt have puffy nipples. And they were symetrical, and looking staright at them in this condition its still even it just bigger and harder/tender on the left side. Going away to jamaica in july hope i can at least wear an t shirt even if i can't go bare.
i forgot to ask him when can i start the gym? take vitamin pills? and i need to get rid of this gutt any suggestions on that dillema?


Offline topgun322

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Thats all in your diet

ok guys i seen him today, he said he never seen it this bad it just means it will take longer to heal. he wants me to apply hot compress on both. mine was mainly lipo i didnt have puffy nipples. And they were symetrical, and looking staright at them in this condition its still even it just bigger and harder/tender on the left side. Going away to jamaica in july hope i can at least wear an t shirt even if i can't go bare.
i forgot to ask him when can i start the gym? take vitamin pills? and i need to get rid of this gutt any suggestions on that dillema?


Offline mmaman

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Just a heads up. If you had asymmetry before the op, you will have asymmetry after the op.

Really? Harsh buds.


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