Author Topic: After 7 loooong, painful, and embarrassing years....  (Read 1850 times)

Offline davojm26

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Finally got my surgery today ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I originally developed gyno when I was between the ages of 11 and 14, soon after I gained a lot of weight from being a lethargic couch potato. Around the age of 17, I worked my ass off and lost close to 100 lbs and became much healthier, but unfortunately the man boobs stayed with me after the weight came off.

I'm sure I don't have to describe to those of you reading this how painful it is to be a relatively skinny, in-shape male with horribly puffy nipples. The double shirts, slouching, poor posture, constantly looking down and always subconsciously being embarrassed were unbearable.

By some stroke of holy magic, my insurance company decided to cover my surgery based on "medical necessity" after weeks of poking and prodding them to do so (with a little exaggeration on my part)

Such a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, or chest, in a more literal sense, I don't know what to do with myself. I am ECSTATIC to see how much different my life is going to be as a result of having had this truly life altering surgery.

I know there have been many topics posted in the past about this, but I wanted to ask anyone out there who has experience with the matter regardless, because I have never really gotten a straight answer. My friends and I very much enjoy smoking marijuana as a way to hang out, relax, and socialize. I have heard that smoking marijuana after having gynecomastia surgery can make the tissue/fat come back in some men, which honestly scares the sh*t out of me. I would do anything to avoid having them come back, but at the same time, I'm torn.

Before my surgery, whenever I would smoke pot, I honestly did notice a change in the size of my chest, but only sometimes. Occasionally after smoking, they would sag more, become bigger and more prominent, and overall more embarrassing. Basically, you could tell when I was high just by looking at my chest (or at least I could). Usually by the morning or 2 days later, my chest would go back to normal with no long term effects. And obviously it was not the type of thing that would continuously keep adding on to the size of my chest; they would roughly increase to the same size whenever I smoked, and would roughly decrease back to the same size when I was sober, or just after I had worked out, etc.

I don't plan on going back to my old habits of smoking weed daily, as much as I would like to. I have learned that it's more fun in moderation, and now plan on doing it maybe once or twice a week. Before anyone freaks out on me, I definitely don't plan on doing it until I'm fully recovered. Smoking will obviously prolong the healing process, which is something that I do not want to do.

Does anyone have any personal experiences similar to mine to shine some light on what might happen to me after I have fully recovered?

Thanks much guys. I really appreciate it.


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