Author Topic: Anyone have post op puffy nipples success stories to share with the brothers????  (Read 10965 times)

Offline cduub

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Im 4 months post op and my nipples are still as puffy pre op. Is their anyone who has experienced this and had it change later because i dont want to go back through surgery. It would be of a great help to post because there are alot of guys on this site complaining about the same thing. HELP US OUT

Offline fnnewguy

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I'm only two and a half weeks but yeah some insight would be nice....

Offline Paa_Paw

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I think the best testimonial is that they have lost interest in the site and so they are not here to comment.

Keep in mind that people can be highly vocal when things go wrong but rarely do they have anything to say when things go well. The small amount of negative commentary becomes a loud endorsement when looked at from that perspective.
Grandpa Dan

Offline cduub

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I think you are 100% correct but that will change to 99% because if my condition gets better im not turning my back. Ive been battling this for years and MILLIONS of men/boys have the same problem. I will even make sure I have a designated email address just for those with questions to help out. This is a shame,but this is how people are its the just of it.......

Offline Paa_Paw

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There have been a few people over the years that did stay with us for a long time post operation. A couple that still check in once in a while. They have not deserted us. Just that they no longer have an interest here.

Offline nomore-jiggles

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I'm 4 1/2 months post op too but I will do my best to help others with questions.  Especially now that I'm ridden of this pain, I can really identify with those who are still pre-op. I'm sitting at my computer right now in  a tank top. It's such an amazing feeling.  Of course I could be happier with a COMPLETELY flat chest, but I'm still looking good. What a transformation this is.  Do whatever it takes to get this done, it's totally worth it.

Offline fnnewguy

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Offline cduub

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Yeah tell us your story in timeline format like how long did it take your scar tissue to dissolve? where your nipps puffy post op from scar tissue and eventually went down? if so how long did it take? etc.......

Offline nomore-jiggles

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I had no swelling after surgery. flat as can be.  It looked awesome.  two week check up, still looked awesome.  Kept wearing the vest for the whole 6 weeks, night and day. During that time, no swelling. After the 7th week, only 1 week after I took the vest off,  The swelling started.  Just a little on the left side.  Right side still flat no puffyness. Left side a little puffy, but not to the point it was pre-op. Over all the swelling is at a minimal.  I'm hoping it will go down in time. I'm 4 1/2 months post now. Sometimes I wear underarmor to bed at night, but this late in the recovery I'm not sure it matters much.  My nipples still feel a little numb at the tips.  And when I press down firmly it stings a little.  I've been told that it's a nerve thing and your body is still in shock. 

My doctor made the incision through the armpit and used the cannula tool to excise. There was no excision through the areola.  The doctor said this method was probably best for me.  I'm 5-10 175.  I told him "look I'm skeptical about this method, what if you can't get it through the armpit?" He said  he would first try it this way and if it didn't work would do the excision through the areola.   I think he was right.  The scarring is hardly there. I don't see any scarring. I say it took about 3 1/2 months for the scarring to totally dissolve.   

It's not a perfect final look, I wish the swelling would just leave already, but I do look loads better and I just have to be patient and hope it goes down in the next few months.  But if it doesn't I still think I look way better.  I hope your swelling goes down cduub. you and I are in the same time frame.

My biggest obstacle to overcome is to eat healthy while I'm recovering.  I eat out alot and alot of sweets. 

Remember when you were pre-op and felt like your chest was twice as big after a eating a big dinner.  That's gone now and it feels so good. Hope this helps.


Offline cduub

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Thanks for the reply jiggles we need more stories in detail like yours

Offline hypo123

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  I'm 3 weeks and 2 days post op and i'm experiencing the exact same thing.  The first week after surgery things looks perfect.  Everything was flat, no creases, no indents, nothing.

The day before my 10 day post op visit I started feeling some tenderness/swelling but it wasn't a big deal and I didn't even mention it to my surgeon.  Ever since then it seems to have just gotten worse.  There is a noticeable hard "half-circle" lump around the incision area (inside my skin obviously) on both areolas.  This is causing me to puff out quite a bit.

The weird thing is that my right side was WAY worse pre-op but now looks significantly better than the left side.  I know it's early but it really sucks. I don't live near a beach and am not often in situations where I take my shirt off in front of others. One of the main reasons I got this taken care of was so that I could wear nice tight fitting t-shirts and not have to put on 2 undershirts.  Yet right now my nipples are still very noticeable through a t-shirt and I find myself doing the same thing I did pre-op.  My areolas are definitely not as puffy as they were pre-op but they look wrinkled and deformed.  One side has a crease right through the middle of the nipple too.

It's frustrating because you think that surgery is the hard part and once you get it over with you are good to go.  It's especially frustrating when things looked so good that first week and you were optimistic about everything.

The thing is i've spent hours on this forum searching the topic of post op puffyness/swelling and it seems like nearly everyone deals with this.  It is a completely normal part of the recovery process.  I found one post in particular that I wish I would have saved for positive re-enforcement.  It was a guy who was puffy at 3 months post op and feeling very skeptical about his results.  He actually sounded like some of you guys saying that people mention they have these issues and then never come back to comment on if they went away.

In the same thread he posted at 6 months post op and said everything looked awesome and that it really does just take some time for things to settle.  I've also read numerous posts from people with creases and lines that went away once the swelling settled down.  Some people even said that creases would disappear and reappear during the recovery process as things shifted around and healed.

Everything i've read has said that if you went to a reputable surgeon and had nice looking results during your first week then you will most likely go back to those first week results when you are fully healed.  I think we are all just worrying too much.

One last thing, I go in for my 1 month check-up next week and i'll be sure to ask my surgeon a lot of questions about all of this.  I'm also curious as to what this sore/hard "half-circle" lump underneath each areola actually is.  Is it swelling?  Scar tissue? Fluid build up?   

I'll let you guys know what he says.

Offline hypo123

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  I should also mention that when my areolas get hard when it's cold or i'm in the shower it actually hurts more than when they are relaxed.  Some people say that there nips look normal when cold but puffy when it's hot (this is what I experienced PRE-OP), but mine actually look weird when they harden up because that lumpy bit underneath becomes more prominent and sticks out.

This is how I know it's swelling/scar tissue and not leftover gland.

Offline cduub

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Thanks alot hypo123,that board you read for reassurance sounds like the same one I read so I saved it for reassurance. The guy was complaining like crazy then 6months later ta da it was gone.

Offline coorsbright

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Had it. dont worry.  years post op and you forget it was ever a problem. came to this site bc my hatred for buds and want to help.. ull be fine.. and the surgery did more than you could changing diet, etc.  i never let them effect my life they just annoyed the hell out of me, like a curse.. which it surely is..

Offline gynecomastiauk

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I just wanted to add to this thread - I realise it is old, I am 6 weeks post op and am going through the puffy nipples stage...any advice or tips on how to reduce this would be great.
It says people don't come back to this site to tell people if the puffiness and creasing goes away with time, I am running my own web-site to track a full year post opp with daily and weekly photos along with a diary...check it out at ( any advice on the puffy nipples would be great.



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