Author Topic: Gynecomastia returns after surgery  (Read 2621 times)


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I had surgery for gyno about 5 months ago, and at first it looked great, but a little over a month after surgery, I noticed it coming back. At my 3-month checkup, my doctor confirmed it for me, and said we should wait another 3 months to see if it goes down before taking further action. It hasn't, but it also hasn't gotten worse. It's just stayed the same.

I've had gyno since I was in middle school, but I do smoke marijuana between 1-3 times a week, and I noticed the gyno coming back after I started smoking again (maybe it's a coincidence). Also, just to paint a clearer picture, I'm a thin guy but I'm in good shape, and I've always exercised regularly and eaten healthy. I'm 28 right now. I had my hormone levels examined before the surgery, and they were all normal (and I was smoking marijuana the same amount during that period, the last time before my blood was taken being maybe a week or so before).

My question is, for people who believe marijuana can cause gyno (I know there's a lot of disagreement about that), is that heavy enough use to cause it? I'm not really a drinker, and smoking is a great way for me to relax, but I would give it up obviously if I had to. But I also would like some other opinions before I bring it to my doctor. He knew I was a light smoker and didn't seem to think it was a problem.

Also, my doctor didn't tell me what action might be taken. He mentioned steroid injections, but as an example of something that he felt would probably be unnecessary. Does anyone know what the options are? Is it just surgery again?

Thanks for any insight


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BRO!!! WTF .. marijuana causes gyno.. wtf are u thinking? QUIT SMOKING WEED.. u cant do that shit no more.. unless u like having surgery every other year.. seriously tho.. weed made it come back .. did u tell ur doctor u smoke weed? he would of told u about this.. u dun goofed.. QUIT SMOKING ITS NOT WORTH IT I QUIT 2 YEARS AGO and am just now getting surgery just to make sure its not getting worse or anything..

Offline Pharmaecopia

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I don't know, there are shit ton of people who smoke weed that don't have gynecomastia. And I'm sure there are people who had surgery and smoked and turned out fine. Who knows though, there aren't really any valid experiments since our government is run by old simple minded buffoons. I quit smoking a couple weeks before surgery because I was no longer enjoying the high since I was plagued with anxiety of the thought of it returning after I had the surgery. Probably won't smoke again until I have $6,000 laying around lol.


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