Author Topic: help! post surgery fear  (Read 1946 times)

Offline blackie_2k5

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hi i had surgery to remove my gynecomastia in nov last year as id grown up with it, embarssed but not knowing what it was, i then found it was what it was by taking steroids which worsened my problem, got quite depressed and finally the nhs removed them(both sides)as i couldnt afford cosmetic surgery, with a bi-lateral mastectomy if thats how its spelt, since then ive got alot of fat on the bottom of my chest i cant seem to move, the scars and tissue underneath are quite large and look as if theyll stick out if the fat reduces, question 1 is how do i reduce the fat? trying excercise but it doesnt seem to be working, i appear to be seriousley getting skinny but not my chest, the fat came as ii was a chubby baby(possibley through the steroids explaned later, which as i got older and more active my weight went up and down untill i got on the steroids for muscle gain and steadily went up), question 2 ive started taking the steroids again( a cuttin cycle to help try to redue the fat) and think one side may be coming back, when i had the op the left side was noticeably smaller and hence they cut alot more away looking for tissue so now post op the right side is bigger,  im quite knowledgeable on steroids know and have come to the conclusion my previous case was caused by deca-durabolin through the progesterone route, (and was gained growing up with from been given steroids post op at 4 wks old for a few months till i was strong enough, and also steroidal inhalors i grew up with for asthma, i think progesterone caused it but i didnt get any bigger till i used the steroids) but now with my right side being bigger and having more scar tissue as i beleive there is a stitch still stuck i cant tell if its coming back or not, im using trenbolone acetate with testosterone propionate to try and cut the fat but trenbolone is know to cause progestoerone, how can i tell if its coming back, i have little feeling in my nipples since the surgery but im paranoid of it coming back, my nipple looks like its starting to hang over again after 6 days back on but it did slightly anyway through the scaring and with the excess fat still here?(im hoping this will improve if i can shift the fat) what do i do? any help much appreciated, the fat is all localised at the bottom of my chest making my chest look quite feminine, im going on hol in 5 weeks hence the urge to use the steroids in reducing the fat anyone shed some light?
the surgery i had was just cutting the tissue out-now lypo so i got told its possible for it to return? aslo anything to do to reduce the scar tissue, if it helps it feels the left side(smaller side) is stiched into the muscle, but the right side( fair bit bigger with more fat) feels free to be moved around i can move it round my chest unlike the left side, and nipple is slighlty bigger, i was thinking this was just because more fat got removed from the left when looking for the at the time smaller lump or it just didnt have as much fat to begin with being a smaller lump?


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