Author Topic: Mixed feelings 6 weeks post-op and anxiety about possible need for revision  (Read 2717 times)

Offline westcoaster

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I'd been suffering from teenage gynecomastia since age 14 (am now 28) and have had lipo and excision 6 weeks ago with a local plastic surgeon with ample experience in gyne surgery and a good track record and many happy patients even on this board. With every day that passes I get a little more frustrated with my current condition especially because at the last two follow-ups, he spent maybe a minute if even with me telling me that everything looks good. The second visit he didn't even remember my name correctly. 
I wore the compression garment religiously for 5 weeks and kept my arms at my side for the first two weeks with no overhead movements, which I now regret as it may have contributed to the tethering.

From perusing this forum I got the gist that once you have a crater deformity and tethering it's unlikely to resolve itself and will most likely require revision at 6+ months post-op, which seems to be the earliest point at which corrective actions can be taken. My surgeon told me he removed a lot of tissue, which I believe. Extending from and to the nipple, there is a hard mass/knob in my right chest, which feels an awful lot like gland tissue. This is toward the center of the chest. I can somewhat feel the same in my right chest also toward the separation of the two pec muscles. I am hoping it is scar tissue. 

Has anyone had a similar experience post-op?

Here is my story in pictures:

3 days post op, first time I removed the compression garment and pads to rinse. Lots of bruising and swelling, wondering why right side is so much bigger still but blaming it on swelling

Same day, 3 days post op

Today, April 8, 2016 at 6 weeks post op:

Today, when I flex:

Right arm stretch, nipple is stuck and crater shows

Left arm stretch


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Relax, it takes more time to recover from surgery 

Offline gyno1990

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I've read stories on here about people who experienced cratering that ended up resolving as late as 6 months in. It's tough, but sticking it out is all that can be done. Maybe hit the gym to lose some more weight and build some definition (check if this is OK with your surgeon first, of course). 
It's been almost 2 weeks since this post. How is it coming along now? 

Offline Paa_Paw

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