Author Topic: My experiences  (Read 3927 times)

Offline dsanders16

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So, in May 2007 I had surgery on both sides to remove Gynecomastia.  At some point in 2005 my left breast got traumatized or something happened and I had a bunch of hard tissue form.  I was hoping the surgery last year would remove it, but he didn't seem to get all of it. The right side however turned out fine.

I just had surgery again on the left side to remove what was there, but he either didn't remove it all or I am having a lot of scar tissue forming up.  After both surgeries he said my chest was flat, and right now what I am feeling (and what I felt after the first one) is very noticeable, there no way he could have felt this as flat. If I put my left arm behind my head, you can clearly see the nipple area extrude out in a dome, where all this residual tissue is.  I can only suspect that there is a lot of scar tissue forming.  He said when he went in the second time, there was blood stained tissue which was scar tissue.

It has been 3 weeks since my second surgery, and I don't know what to think.  Is this something I can't deal with surgically, it seems every time he goes in there to cut out the scar tissue, a lot more forms up.  What can I be doing about this?  I have begun massaging it, but after the first surgery I tried it extensively with no reduction in the tissue.  Unfortunately, I have moved to work, and my doctor is in Chicago and I am in San Diego now, should I get a recommendation for a surgeon here and ask for a kenalog shot? 

The whole situation is depressing, I am a lean and muscular person, but I don't look normal in shirts or with my shirt off because of this problem

Offline Sheldon

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Can u post some pix? so some doctors and members can evaluate?

Offline dsanders16

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Don't have a digital camera with me at the moment.

I would be shocked if this was still tissue from the gynecomastia, but at the same time i feels relatively the same as I remember before the correction surgery.  I just don't see how he could think this was flat.  I have been massaging it, but I can't tell if it's even improving.

Offline unsure101

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I wouldnt massage it,

As your probably causing more trauma and making it swell more (blood rushes and water to the site).

Offline dsanders16

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Well,  almost 5 weeks post-op, nothing has changed.  I fear again the surgery either didn't remove all the gyne or more scar tissue built up. Guess I will call the doc tomorrow and see what he says.

Offline unsure101

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I can tell you that im 4th months post and my right healed quick, left is much slower.

at the 3 month mark the nipple underneath was like rock and huge. Now at the 4 month it is soft and small.. the nipple still pops out a bit though it is getting better each day.. soon enough it will be like the right side I suspect\hope.

Ive only massaged mine once in the last 3 1/2 weeks and during this time I have seen the most improvement.

Doc says it is bruising and to massage it, my dad who is a remedial therapist says not too, but says I can go to the gym as it was increase blood flow and cycle the blood.

Offline dsanders16

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I can tell you that im 4th months post and my right healed quick, left is much slower.

at the 3 month mark the nipple underneath was like rock and huge. Now at the 4 month it is soft and small.. the nipple still pops out a bit though it is getting better each day.. soon enough it will be like the right side I suspect\hope.

Ive only massaged mine once in the last 3 1/2 weeks and during this time I have seen the most improvement.

Doc says it is bruising and to massage it, my dad who is a remedial therapist says not too, but says I can go to the gym as it was increase blood flow and cycle the blood.

Yea, I'm just not so optimistic I guess since I've already been through the surgery once with everyone telling me it will go down.  I have been massaging it more, doc says it will help. Still a bit scared he didn't get all the residual hard gyne tissue. 

The first surgery he never recommended I massage it, and it never went down.


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