Author Topic: Post op: It feels like... Freedom!  (Read 3488 times)

Offline emanresu

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3 days post-op and I just went for a walk around my local town wearing the compression garment underneath a black shirt. I've been living here for a year now and this is the first time I've actually taken a proper stroll around the town, looking in shops I've never been in before. Ordinarily I would have driven into town to minimize the amount of people who I came into contact with; got my shopping and driven straight back home.

It's like a huge burden has been lifted. The sense of freedom is immense! I didn't experience a single moment of self-consciousness and couldn't resist looking at the reflection of my new physique in every shop window I passed. lol

The only problem I experienced was trying to correct the bad posture caused by the gyne'. I kept thinking "Shoulders back. Head up. Chest out." My neck has a bit of a stoop caused by all the years of trying to hide my chest. Obviously it might take a while to correct.

For anyone who's considering surgery; DO IT! If you think you can't afford it then beg, borrow, save, until you can. I wasted 14 years of my life because of this awful condition. Don't waste another day if you can help it!

Freedom at long last!  :)

Offline Paa_Paw

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Many men have described their feelings after surgery as though they had been liberated.

Enjoy your new-found freedom.
Grandpa Dan

Offline waves

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Awesome eman!  I feel the same way.  Still amazes me the things I can do now that I would no longer consider! 

Offline tartan_tiger

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Congratulations! I'm very jealous as I'll never be able to get surgery. :-[

Offline eyooh

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I hate you...
Nah, congratulations man.

Offline emanresu

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Congratulations! I'm very jealous as I'll never be able to get surgery. :-[

How come?

Offline waves

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Congratulations! I'm very jealous as I'll never be able to get surgery. :-[

Tartan, see the suggestion I posted for you in your thread in Gyne Talk.

Offline waves

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Hey Eman, how was the drive back?  Were you able to do it the next day after surgery?  Any troubles?

Offline emanresu

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Hey Eman, how was the drive back?  Were you able to do it the next day after surgery?  Any troubles?
I was advised by the surgeon that it's okay to drive 48hrs after the surgery, but to be careful because of the seatbelt digging when braking too hard. I was also advised by the nurse not to drive home the day after surgery because the anaesthetic is still in your system and might make you drowsy behind the wheel.

The day after surgery I felt completely normal, so I drove home anyway! And there was no pain because your chest is still numb from local anaesthetic.

Offline locksem

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Congratulations! I'm very jealous as I'll never be able to get surgery. :-[

I felt like this, but after years of just putting up with it and several 'second opinions' i finally got the go ahead for surgery, i had given up hope that it would ever happen. It was quite literally a dream come true.
I know i was incredibly lucky, but one thing i can safely say is; if i did have to go back and pay to have the op done privately, it would be worth every single penny. No doubts about that 

Offline gyneguy1188

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from someone thats 1.5 years post-op

Best Advice:

-Keep up with your surgeons advice for post-operative care down to the very last detail.
The surgery is done but taking the time to do what the doc says will make the results even better in the long run(as always do what you have to do when you have the time and later on you will be able to do the things you want to)

-Remember while the physical change has occurred instantly, the psychological change occurs with time. Don't rush the psychological change. Deal with it one step at a time.

For me, this meant realizing that while I felt more comfortable taking my shirt off in public, I was still the same person I was post-op just less fearful of criticism about my breasts.

-Enjoy your new body, absolutely do not take it for granted. You are lucky to have been able to afford yourself this surgery.

Many others are not in your position and live the full extent of their lives wanting their chests to be different but simply cannot access the healthcare facilities you were able to.

-Remember Diet and exercise will help you maintain your new body and that gained weight can and will go back to your chest area.


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