Author Topic: Post Surgery help?  (Read 2061 times)

Offline wrh90

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I recently had a second surgery with Dr. Fielding. My first one was about 3 years ago but today I went in for a minor revision. The surgery itself consisted of the doctor along with a student freezing the chest area, making the the excision and removing some glad that was the size of a marble. The procedure itself lasted about 20-30min and I was ready and able to go home after.

In my haste and surprise of how minor it was, I didn't ask the doctor any of the pertinent questions that I should of. He prescribed me some pain killers and said to lay off the weights for a few days and sent me on my way. However, I have no idea on when to take off the bandage and shower instructions. I tried to call his office but by the time I had come home and woke up from a nap, it was closed.

Anyways my ask from you guys is for anyone who had a similar minor gyno surgery:

1) What were your post-op instructions?

2) Any things to avoid in the first few days of healing?

As mentioned, my last surgery was over 3 years ago and the recovery process was completely different. I don't have a compression vest this time around or any of the foam pads. Its just some cotton with a bandage on top. Thanks in advance for your help.


Offline Blue elephant

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Sorry just seen this post now and I guess you have already figured it out since you posted this 3 months ago but I would love to hear more about your story and results!

Offline wrh90

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Not really. Its been exactly 3 months since the surgery and there is no improvement. I think it may even be worst than before the revision surgery.

Having already had the procedure once, I know how it goes and these things take time to heal. However, during the 3 month mark after my first surgery I don't recall being disappointed at all. This time around I didnt have a compression garment and the swelling was bad from the beginning along with the bruising. Once it subsided, things were looking at little up and about 2 weeks ago was when I looked at my chest. I finally thought that it was finally starting to take shape. However, since then and I am not sure why, it has went back downhill. I can't tell if it is swelling or regrowth but my chest is far from flat. The biggest frustration is that it is only on one side too so the symmetry is not there at all.

I've read that swelling can take up to 6 months sometimes to subside but with such a minor procedure, I can't really be banking on that. I have a follow up with doctor coming up in two weeks and hopefully he can address some of my concerns. I think I will explore a blood test to check if I have a hormone imbalance and to rule out any chances of regrowth.

I'll update after the appt but feel free to ask any questions.


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