Author Topic: New member, got a few questions. ( pics uploaded)  (Read 4276 times)

Offline Martinek411

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Well lets give this a shot. So when I was about 13-14 I realised that my nipples increased in size. At that point I was quiet embarresed about it. I went to the doctor and was told that it was a normal stage in puberty and would eventually go away(at that point they were tender and hurt). Now im 16 going on to 17 in 3 months and there still there(but they dont hurt anymore)...Im 6'0 and 160lbs, started to go to the gym for the last month and will continue for the next year. I havnt really talked to anyone about this for a few years, and im forced to wear 2 shirts on a regular basis to cover the nips. It begining to become a very big nuisance, especially when changing during gym class. I find it odd that it is only the outside (the part surrounding the tip) that is poofy so im assuming i dont have gynecomastia, or maybe just a minor version? Im considering going to the doctor soon and talking to my parents about it, what do you guys think i should do? Im also considering buying a few underarmor spandex shirts to wear underneath my normal shirt (would that make any difference?) Im not really sure if this will be a huge problem for the rest of my life, at the moment im fairly confused and paranoid seeing as i begun to care alot about how my body looks. Do you guys think that seeing as my case is not Extremely major (only about 1/2 inch poofy) would building my pectoral muscles diminish the poofyness, as in make it less noticable?

hey and thx for helping me out guys, really appreciate any feedback, this is my first post =D :)

« Last Edit: February 25, 2008, 12:19:08 AM by Martinek411 »

Offline Swenip

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Hey Martinek

When u say the tip is poofy do u mean your nipple too? It can be gland or just fat that has gathered at the front. Since your so young there is a chance of gyne going away on its own but if u still have it at 18-19 its probably never gonna go away without surgery. It's really hard to tell without a picture so it would be great if u can post some, alot of guys on this forum can spot gyne, it might just be all in your head. If i were you i would tell my parents and see a doctor about it, might take some hormone tests since the hormones can be causing it. And also take pictures of your chest and keep them so u can compare them to your chest 6 months or a year later. The mind can play some wicked tricks on ya and u might start believing they are getting bigger every day  :o.

Working out might improve your chest, again pics are needed to tell. If you have breast gland making your nipple puffy working out and building up muscles can cause the gland to push out more and make the nipple bigger. If you only have little fat on the tip, loosin weight and working out can help. Hope ive answered some of your questions  :P

Offline cgeorge1

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if it effects your life the same is there really such a thing as mild gynecomastia. i recommend getting the surgery, weather it be within a year or within 5 years, but make it part of your future plans and you will be happy

Offline MSJ108

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Ya you got a pretty good case there. Like the post above says though if you are young it may go away on its own.

Offline peggylad

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to me it looks like you dont have much fat if any, just gland which means you probably wouldnt need lipo, just gland removal and your chest would look good!

Offline elcrep

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check out my pics, im in pretty much the same situation as you.

Offline bitchtits1

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I have the same problem and this is also my first time posting.  But ya when I was about 13 i started feeling the bump forming under my nipples.  It kept getting worse and worse so I eventually went to the doc with my parents last year.  He said it was because the high level of testosterone or sumthin.  He also said that the chances of it going away are very slim.  All throughout highschool I have worked out a lot and played football.  I have been embarresed for so long and I hate it,  it seriously screws your social life sometimes.  But now that football and all the sports are over I havnt worked out in about 6 months.  I just turned 18 and Im startin to get towards the end of puberty and stuff.  And i've actualy noticed that the size of my nips is going down a lot.  I dont know if its because im not working out and theres not as much testosterone?.. or w/e.  But when someone tells u that u are screwed unless u get surgery dont beleive what they say.  There is a chance that it will go away.  So keep it real and wait it out for a while and then make a decision about surgery.  Pcee


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