Watch a chest with fat grafts move ...
Would you be able to provide this? I can't actually see a single case of fat graft related photos or movies on your website, sorry if I'm being blind.
Honestly, thank you for your reply, but it doesn't actually seem to apply remotely to my situation. I understand that you provide general information on/from your website (and obviously as professional charge real money for your time and services), but for someone trying to find out the ins-and-outs of a potential revision procedure, recommended by an experienced surgeon, this overall is just very confusing.
For example, sites such as:^ pages 2 and 3 of the same article)
... give considerably more information about, and a much more positive outlook on, fat grafting than any of the sources I have come across that describe the failure rates as prohibitively high or the results as looking unnatural.
As far as gland goes, re: the liposuction bit, the liposuction would be from an area of my chest where there either isn't gland any more, or wasn't any gland in the first place (along the underside line of my pectoral muscle). If the graft was going to lie on top of a muscle, I would be able to understand the problem with movement, but the area in which the fat is to be grafted actually forms part of a natural contour, and doesn't need to be filled out completely ... it just looks "toned", I suppose there may be some tethering there, but I've seen pictures of people who haven't had surgery with far more pronounced "clefts", even in a desirable way.
Would you be able to provide resources or more specific information about the risks of fat grafts "hardening", as the only descriptions of it I seem to be able to find refer to calcification (being a reason it's not advised in breast enlargement ... bizarrely, the main reason it would be in the first place is that it feels
more natural than silicone)? Honestly to me it seems like it's a question of technique, as opposed to the inherent impracticality and unadvisableness of the procedure itself.
And again, if anybody has HAD this procedure done, and has photos, videos, testimonials, whatever, could you please throw me a few words? Am sort of running into dead ends and what I worry is advertising, as opposed to analysis, on cosmetic surgery websites.