Author Topic: revision pics and question  (Read 2803 times)


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Hey everyone it's been a while since i've been on these boards.  I had gynecomastia surgery in September of last year. I wasn't satisfied with the results, so six months later in March I had revision surgery to give more of a flat appearance. That was three months ago and there is some improvement but there is also a question of evenness. During the surgery he said that my left chest would be bigger for a while and it would need more time healing than the right. Should I wait a few more months or should I set up a consultation with him soon about this? Here are the pics.

Offline shnardge

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asymmetry is a common thing with the human body.
Nobody is 100% completely symmetrical.
IMO you look pretty good they scars aren't too visible which is harder to achieve in a person with darker skin, (or so ive been told)  theres no crater deformitys, well not from what i can see in the 3 pics posted anyway.

Have you asked opinions from your friends and family?
I really think you look great, but then again your biggest critic is always yourself.
Give it a few more months like your doc told you and then if your still unhappy i guess you can go see him/her again.

Offline Nightmare

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you had a revision surgery and its still not the way you wanted it? not looking good for your doctor. if i spend a certain amount of thousands of dollars, i better get what i want or close to it.
i know that alot of times , the chest looks great and normal in pictures. but what i found out is that a picture hides alot, even the great ones. all it matters is what you want. and if your not getting what you want then , find a new doctor that will give it to you.


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