I did give the Raloxifene as well as the Tamoxifen a shot.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to detail your experience. I want to be as informed as possible in my decision whether to put something into my body, so I am certainly taking this into consideration. My understanding was that Raloxifene is safe and tends to have minimal sides; your testimony bids the contrary. What dosage were you using? According to studies I've read, it should not raise your T so harshly...although I don't expect your experience to mirror the conclusions of the studies exactly, I'm surprised by your negative experience. So was there any decrease in size whatsoever? Or was it a complete waste of time/trouble?
I hope someone can learn from this and the moral of the story. Don't take PEDs and you won't get gyno. Don't self medicate.
That's excellent advice. In my case, it was not caused by PED's as I've never taken anything to alter my hormones, but I know a couple of guys from the gym who developed it after a cycle and were successful using Aromatase Inhibitors (unfortunately these don't work on pubertal gyno or I would have tried that by now). In fact, It was advice from someof these guys that first pointed me toward researching non-surgical options for gyno after hearing their success stories (although they had only just developed gyno when they treated - this factor I attribute for the efficacy of the AI's).
I'll be getting the surgery done here within the next 9 months....A few of the surgeons on this site look very promising.
Best of luck with the Surgery! Clue us in with what doc you use and your results. If you are comfortable with doing so, you ought to post some pics.
I'm 6', 190 pounds with a 48 inch chest (naturally large, 37" arms) and currently 35 inch waist. My hips are gone and I can't keep 36" pants up without a belt. I sink now with 2/3 of a lung of air. Before I couldn't sink. My pecs, when not flexed, just look like part of the breasts. What I have found is that taking the last 20 pounds off, from 210, has increased the flirting and hugs from the ladies at the nudist club a good 400%.
Great job with your health journey. Sounds like you have really improved your life physically, mentally, and emotionally. It's also very cool that you are so comfortable with your body. Good for you!
People will believe what they want to believe and a person will find a way to prove what they want to prove.
The study cited by Keep it Moving is an example. Actually he did a good piece of research but the study itself is flawed.
I appreciate you taking your time to share your understanding of that study and for giving Keeping_it_Moving recognition for spending his valuable time to research the topic. Many people would just troll the forum and say something like "You are just wasting your time, everyone knows surgery is the only option" without any educated information. So thank you for your informative analysis. Below, I am sharing a number of studies and conversation threads I have found useful on coming to an understanding of how Raloxifene works. If any of you feel inclined to analyze some of this information like Paa_Paw did, I think it could help a lot of readers on this forum.
Just delete the spaces after // and before each dot to access these links since "Posting of links to other web sites is disabled" on this forum...
http:// www .bmj .com/rapid-response/2011/10/30/treatment-gynaecomastia-raloxifene
http:// www .ncbi .nlm.nih .gov/pubmed/15238910 - this one was already shared by Keep_it_Moving
http:// gynecoma .com/wp-content/post-files/causes-of-gynecomastia.pdf
http:// www .sciencedirect .com/science/article/pii/0026049586902374
http:// pubmedcentralcanada .ca/pmcc/articles/PMC1126712/pdf/3270301.pdf
Conversation threads (these come from websites that advocate steroid use, so please proceed with skepticism):
http:// www .steroidology .com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/635870-raloxifene-ultimate-gyno-treatment.html
http:// www .swolesource .com/forum/mens-health-ancillary-medication/650-raloxifene-gyno-high-dose-2.html
Thanks all!