Author Topic: Surgery booked, now getting cold feet... (with pictures!)  (Read 10551 times)

Offline ap123

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I have heard that before but I don't think lipo is necessary for me. Im not an expert but I feel my body type wouldn't result good in lipsuction. I barely have much fat to begin with but Im not sure, maybe you are right since I still have slightly puffy nipples.  I still feel either gland/scar under my nipples so maybe he didn't take enough gland out or the scars are still healing. But if worse comes to worse I will go back in september and mention that to my doctor. Im hoping your wrong tho lol because I dont want to have to pay for lipo and i really dont feel like doing surgery again. Hate going to doctors as it is, so the least the better aha.

Offline terre

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How is it going for you? Im in pretty much the same situation and also live in Sweden! Take care


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