Author Topic: surgery Playlist suggestions!  (Read 3328 times)

Offline theprodikalson

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On my way to work today I began my daily daydream where I get extremely nervous about my surgery on the 15th(THIS FRIDAY!)

The Doc is putting my under local to do lipo and excsion so i will be awake for all the gorey details.

While on the way to work I was listen to Floater by Waldeck and thinking this would be a good song to listen to while getting cut open and trying to find my happy place like in fight club when he gave himself a chemical burn...(Great movie!)

So0o0o my procedure should be 2 hours tops, anyone have any suggestions for a playlist while getting their breasts chopped off???

Peace and Love
Peace and Love

Offline trojan213

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I'd go with something really light and poppy:

Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Maybe some Jack Johnson....

Offline theprodikalson

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lol thanks man i did it friday and they let me connect my iPhone to a radio in the operating room... there was def some jack johnson on there! 

Im healing like wolverine now!
been three days and i feel fine, only slightly sore

Thanks again man!

Offline 34andReady

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I know I am late getting back to you on this topic, but I have a question...

How did it go for you with the ipod?

I had my surgery 3+ weeks ago under some kind of 'local' anesthesia (as they called it).  Whatever it was, or whatever the correct term of what they did to me, I don't remember ANYTHING!  I may have been able to hear a few ipod songs while they were setting up and prepping me.  But as soon as whatever started flowing into my IV, that was it.  Next thing I remember was waking up when they were done and feeling like only minutes had passed.  Unbelievable how that stuff works.  Gotta love chemistry!


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