Author Topic: surgery scheduled july 22,2009!!!15 years old  (Read 3097 times)

Offline boobtube94

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hi everybody! I'm 6 ft 145lbs and I'm skinny but have large boobs
I have had gyne since i was about 7. i first noticed it when i was swimming with my friend and i was jumping up and down in the water and he said woah i just saw your boobs bounce up and down there huge. I didn't pay much attention to it but later in life at age 10 i moved to a new neighborhood and by then my boobs were big and i had puffy nipples. all my neighbors had pools so i was always swimming, and one day my neighbors said i had bigger boobs than her and her mom. that upset me alot but i just laughed and kept on swimming.  now I'm 15 and its summer and everybody has pool party's and i have to tell them an excuse not to go, I'm missing beautiful girls in bikinis and sitting inside all day  but everyday for the past few months Ive been going to the local gym and Ive built up a massive amount of muscle behind my boobs,so whenever i have surgery i can have some good sized pecks!like everyone else on this site Ive been hiding my boobs and i cant wait to take a walk on the beach and wear under armour and walk around with my shirt off.
I'm nervous and scared but i think this is for the better no turning back now,so I'm going to persevere through the pain and look towards the future 8)wish me luck

Offline Nightmare

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At 15 you're young to do this surgery. but if the doctors give you the OK then i think you should do it if it bothers you alot.
and dont worry, i was nevous as hell on the day of the surgery, but it went by fast. since your skinny and you work out, you should recover fast. just drink alot of water, eat healthy, take your multi-vitimins , continue to work out and get alot of goodnight sleep   before you do your surgery.
good luck.

Offline boobtube94

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im just so done with gyne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanks for the good luck

Offline gez95

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go for it young man!
Very courageous at your age. Good luck from London.

Offline boobtube94

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today i met with the anesthesiologist assistant and she weighed me and check my blood pressure etc... and calmed my nerves down alot 8) then she showed me the room where im having surgery. im so thankful god has blessed me with this oppertunity to have the opperation and im ready to have this surgery and be done with these stupid boobs!!! ;D and for those who are wondering im having surgery at vanderbilt in nashville tennessee!

Offline Redman88

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You are so brave, it took me years to decide to do anything about it. My breasts are the same size they were when i was 15 and i missed so many things and suffered so much through my teen years, it is fantastic that this won't be the case for you.
I am so happy for you, please do share your post op story with us, i would love to hear all about it, specially because mine is a week later!

Good luck!
Surgery booked for July 27th 2009, can't wait!

Offline boobtube94

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well guys tomorows the day :-\ ive never been this nervous in my life!!! its my first surgery ever. this site has calmed my nerves everytime i get on i read posts of how excited everybody is that there surgery went well and i pray to god that mine will! All i can say now is that this time tomorow ill be boobless ;D anyways wish me luck and keep me in your prayers.

Offline goingoingonegyno

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giver hell dude you'll do fine .. congrats

Offline boobtube94

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day of op
well its 8 o clock now and i had surgery today at 10 o clock.
I woke up and jumped into the car wondering what will happen today.
The drive up there i was pretty calm and disscused to my mom what ill do after surgery.
once in the waiting room i was about to walk out! i kept questioning if my moobs are really that bad,
and that i dont need surgery![haha] the nurse came out and got me to go back into the room were she took my vitals and the anesthesiologist hooked my iv up and gave me pills to calm my stomach. Before i knew it the anesthesiologist
took me to the OR and said dont look at the blue the first thing i did was look at that table and saw everything they were going to cut me open with :/ then he told me to get on table and i didnt[haha] stood there and looked at him like he had a problem. But after a few seconds i manned up and got on the table. Then i remember shaking violently because i was so scared and the doc said ok now im going to give you the strongest "margarita" ill ever have which mad me loooooopy:] then i remember sayin tou know doc your the man and i was out in an instant. He said surgery was a success and i was completely flat and it only took an hour and a half! I woke up from the anastetics about 2 hours after surgery and didnt know where i was. For a second i thought i never did the surgery and i was just dreaming [haha] I had warm blankets and a comfortable bed which mad me not want to leave the recovery room! I saw a big bandage on and these tubes that looked like somthing from an alien movie :] Ive eaten alot and drank some juice and used the bathroom.pain is a 4 on a scale from one to ten wich feels like a bad titty twister,and the meds make that go away ,,, but anyways im pleased so far with the surgery and im glad i was blessed that my parents had money to have the surgery...thank god my moobs are gone :] :] :] :] :]


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