Author Topic: bodybuilding after gyno surgery? question,pls help  (Read 5922 times)

Offline marc1988

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I am 16 years, 5 foot 8,  148 lb..i have recently lost a lot of weight but my gyno is still here. I am gonna do surgery this tuesday, but i just wanted to ask cuz  i want to start bodybuiilding a little for muscle toning after this gyno surgery, and i dunno if i can be able to train chest (which is a very important muscle for bodybuilding) after the surgery after i'm healed and everything.

will it be safe to train chest after i recover and everything after this gyno surgery?
could gyno come back with bodybuilding?

thanx very much

Offline Achilles

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You'll have to wait a few weeks before going back to the gym (from what everyone o here has been saying).  Talk to your PS and ask him about this.

Offline marc1988

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yeah i know that, but i mean...after i'm healed and everything

Offline dps

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yeah i know that, but i mean...after i'm healed and everything

My doctor has told me I need to wait at least 2 weeks before I start some light cardio, stationay bike and at least 3-4 weeks before hitting the weights. To be on the safe side I will weight 4 weeks before I hit the weights and start slow.

Everybodies body is different and heals at a different pace so just don't over exert yourself too soon and take it slow. Remember you've spent so much time, effort and money on the surgery no sense in runining results by getting to the gym a week earlier.
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Offline c3ntralp3rk

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regarding gyne coming back with bodybuilding.. well you're probably aware that gyne *does* come back on the rare occasion - given that your hormone levels aren't stable/there are other underlying issues causing the gyne..

however, looking at your age, it looks like your gyne is most likely pubertal gyne that hasn't gone away (as are a lot of other people's gyne on this forum). hence it should not come back under normal circumstances.

i highly doubt that working out could cause gyne.. unless you start taking anabolic steroids.. which could in turn, cause gyne.. note people like arnold schwarzenegger who used to take steroids before their competition did not end up growing moobs.. but do you really want to take the chance after all that you've been through?


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