Author Topic: fat burning products  (Read 3850 times)

Offline carguy

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do products like hydroxycut or lipo 6 work?
my friend who was the quarterback in highschool says hydroxycut works.  He's in good shape but  I dont know whether to believe him or not.
whats your opinions?

Offline Bakajin

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I haven't used them myself but from my training partners experience and research that I've read, the only effective fat burning products were the ones that included effedrine which is not banned in most countries.   most of the other products are just caffeine boosters or provide a similar effect to green tea.  Both caffeine and green tea are believed to provide a very minor boost to people's metabolism.  However as caffeine is a diuretic the main weight loss tends to from water loss

Offline abaz

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i got a bottle of GNC cuts, and i've lost 5 pounds  8), but that was with lots of cardio action and heavey water drinkin.

Offline colinosmar

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I personally used the e/c/a stack (ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin) to great success. Of course that is with a healthy diet and plenty of cardio, but irregardles it still facilitated results.  I experienced no negative side effects whatsoever, even when i had upped the dosage.  Ephedrine was legal, then illegal, and now legal in america, but pharmacutical(sp) companies are wary about producing it again incase it becomes illegal.  Ephedrine is a proven effective, and safe weight loss drug when taken responsibly, and is more effective when combined with caffeine and aspirin.  Some people are sensitive to stimulants and should start with half the dosage and work up to the full dosage, and some peoples systems do not, in short agree with ephedrine.  However anecdotally it was a great product in my opinion (in canada it is legal, but only sold in 50 count bottles with 8 mg per pill, so i had to buy all three components of the stack seperately and mix them) any fat burner without ephedrine present i would be wary about using, as you will not be likely to get great results.

Offline moobius

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all these fat burning supplements are just that, supplements. they are supplemental to a good diet and work out plan. if you change nothing about your diet/workouts other than popping a fatburner pill during the day, then your results are going to lackluster at best.

colinosmar, i've done a lot of reading on the eca stack and i'd suggest considering dropping the A. the aspirin can depress your thyroid output, which when you're trying to burn fat is not a good thing. if you want to kick it up a notch maybe try an ECY stack "Y" for yohimbine hcl. it targets the alpha receptors whereas the EC stimulates the betas  ;)

start low on the Y dose though...
« Last Edit: May 04, 2006, 08:59:35 PM by moobius »

Offline yorkshirelad_1979

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Ive got quite a bit of experience when it comes to fat burners but as the lad said before, supplements are supplemented by a good diet and shouldn't be a subsituted.  ECA is the best one out there before you enter the steroids bracket, which you really dont want to be doing unless you know what you are doing.  I got some good results with Xenadrine and im currently on something called hot-rox which seems to be ok.  Relatively cheap.  If you need anymore info give me a shout, oh and stay away from fat loss creams, they are SH1t
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