Author Topic: Foods with hormone stuff  (Read 12441 times)

Offline IHELP

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Im 15

Ok im not a doctor so i might not make any sense but can anyone list common everyday foods that will increase my testosterone/lower estrogen and foods that will increase estrogen? So i can avoid the ones that increase estrogen and focus on eating foods that lower estrogen and increase testosterone. I know it wont do much but it will give me a sense of hope since im not going to be able to get surgery for my gyno.

Also i havent done any hormone tests and i doubt that i have a high lvl of testosterone, but if i do could it be the reason i have gyno? Like i heard to much testosterone could increase gyno size and i havent taken any steroids before, so could the foods im eating be a factor?

Any help is appreciated.

ALso: Is there anyway to tell by your body if your done puberty? Because maybe then my extremely large gyno may go away. Or could my gyno never go away because of genetics? Since i think my father also has gyno?

Offline Stardog

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Dude, you can get pubertal gyno until the age of 17 or 18, I think. Instead of worrying so much just go and see your doc they can advise better than anyone here. If he thinks the gyno won't go away on its own he might put you on hormone treatment. Foods will do sweet fu** all, really because it's caused by natural hormonal changes. Go to the doc, then come back here and tell us what he said...

I used to worry a lot about it when I was 15, mine was bad too, just remember tho 90% of pubertal gyno will disappear eventually, and that probably includes yours.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 03:00:34 PM by Stardog »

Offline Badgene

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I too want to know if theres any foods that are good, or better yet whats a good (safe and pure) over the counter vitamin to take that would increase testosterone or reverse estrogen and would taking a testosterone effect vitamine actually put me at risk for a reemergence of gyne??

Offline IHELP

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Even if i do go to a doc and prescribes some tablets or whatever.. im pretty sure i wont have the courage to tell my parents what theyre for. and they probably wont even let me take them.

Offline Paa_Paw

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As a boy, I lived on an orchard. We had a garden, Rabbits, Chickens, Goats and a Cow, we produced almost all our food naturally. I developed Gynecomastia. If a pure diet could have prevented the condition, I would not have had it.

The condition has been depicted in ancient art. They had no food additives then, What is going on?

Believe it or not you actually need a small amount of Estrogen and girls need a small amount of Testosterone. It is the balance between the two which is important as well as how they interact with the other hormones.

Unless you develop some truly unusual eating habits, what you eat is not going to have any significant impact on your hormone levels. Even if you could alter your hormone levels by adopting some weird diet, It is probably not be a good idea.

There are no pills or magic potions that rid you of Gynecomastia. It is not a disease, so no one has a cure for it. Most of the time no cause can be found.

You are fortunate to live in a time when various technologies have come together and given us the surgical methods to get rid of it in a way that is not itself disfiguring.

If you are trying to find a cause or cure, there are countless men who have already walked that road and failed. Don't beat your head against the wall, simply deal with it and get on with your life.

In rare instances, a medical condition may have caused Gynecomastia, Eliminating this possibility is the reason a person is recommended to see a Doctor.

Taking drugs to alter your hormone levels without monitoring the progress by a competent Doctor and Medical Lab could actually make things worse.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Badgene

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The condition has been depicted in ancient art. They had no food additives then,

that is very true, i read in ancient Rome there were one or 2 great surgeons who tried to train themselves how to operate on men with oversized breasts because they had it back then too, and they too thought it was disgusting. The romans were very obsessed with body beauty and they found man boobs very unattractive, so they tried to devise surgical procedures that wouldn't end up leaving the men immobilized for life..... I doubt they did very well

They also despised having scars on their backs. If you had any scars or markings on your back it would be cause for social embarrassment (especially at the bath houses) because a scar on the back meant one of 2 things, you were either a slave and were disciplined as such, or you ran away during battle and got hit from behind. so they tried to adopt ways to clear off scars and wounds on the back so they would feel more socially exceptable

Offline Paa_Paw

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The Greek Physician Galen was in Rome among other places in the second century. The first known use of the term Gynecomastia was in his writings. He used the term to describe breasts that were contoured like the breasts of a woman. Apparently his use of the term might not have included what we now call puffy nipples. Owing to the rigors of living at that time he probably did not see severe obesity either. Todays use of the term includes both.

Actually, the ancient art I was speaking of was much older, from Egypt and Classic Greek before the Roman domination. There are examples to be found in Roman art as well however.

Death was such a frequent result of surgery in Galens time that it was pretty much reserved for trauma resulting from military action or gladiatorial combat.

Offline headheldhigh01

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you want to be careful manipulating levels, if you managed to overdo the test it could aromatize into estro and backfire, it would involve a blocker at least.  you could talk to an endocrinologist, but food choice probably won't help you much either way except for avoiding hormones in meat and milk, you'd want organic at least, i discussed the subject a little in post #9 on

although this was a new one, hadn't heard it before:
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline tunapuff

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Foods to avoid
  • Avoid processed soy products (besides fresh soybeans, edamame or small servings of soy sauce and miso).
  • Avoid estrogen promoting spices and herbs including licorice, anise, soy isoflavones and black cohosh.
  • Avoid estrogen promoting vegetable oils such as canola, corn, safflower, and soy.
  • Avoid all sweet baked or fried foods including cookies, cakes, donuts, muffins, scones, candy bars, granola bars and chocolate coated fruits or nuts.
  • Avoid conventional (inorganic) meat and dairy
  • Avoid soft drinks and alcoholic drinks (esp. beer)
  • Also, avoid diet shakes and bars with artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohol or chemical additives.

Best foods to eat
  • green vegetables
  • onion & garlic
  • citrus fruits
  • red raspberries
  • Omega 3 oils [flaxseed/fish oil]
  • wild catch fish
  • organic whole dairy
  • fertile eggs
  • raw almonds
  • sesame seeds
  • pumpkin seeds
  • hemp seeds

« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 11:35:09 AM by tunapuff »

Offline headheldhigh01

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responsible dissent on the soy, the first link i wrote above addresses it in detail. 

Offline tunapuff

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headheldhigh01, I encourage you to read some of Ori Hofmekler's (specifically the anti-estrogenic diet) which is where I was drawing my suggestion on foods from.  He does not condemn all soy products, but mainly the processed soy.

Offline Doomed

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A few more to add to the list...(that inhibit aromatase - which is the conversion of testosterone to estrogen)


White Button Mushrooms

Citrus Foods
Fruits (except apples, cherries, dates, pomegranates)
Green beans
White rice
White flour

« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 08:05:39 PM by Doomed »

irish lad

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sorry to bother you doomed but are these foods to avoid or eat?? cheers ;)

Offline Doomed

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no worries, sorry these are foods to eat!

Offline Doomed

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tunapuff, I read that you should avoid pumpkin, but the seeds are ok?  Wondering where you read this or if you can confirm.  Also, in this list they have sesame seeds as natural extrogen but I see you also have it in your inhibiting list.  Wondering where you received your info because maybe it is a better or more reliable source then mine...

Here is where I read you should avoid pumpkin...and sesame seeds


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