Author Topic: low T- want big arms  (Read 4040 times)

Offline masterp

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hey guys i have lost loads of weight and the gyne is almost gone. i know have a rounded chest and slightly puffy nips. i could so live with this but it looks disproportionate as i have really weedy arms. how can i build my arms. i do press ups everyday, but i do 3 sets of 60 quit fast ones.

i dont really want to go to the gym, and i am looking for a way to get big arms at home. any ideas. ps i have low t so it is really difficult for me to build muscle. many thanks

Offline ensiferum

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The best way to build big arms is to put on some quality muscle. The best way to put on quality muscle is to train some core exercises hard and heavy, rest properly and eat quality nutrition.

Happy squatting and deadlifting.
Surgery on 11th of May. *gulp*

Offline fleetwd

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curls curls curls....

do 3 sets of regular curls with dumbells
3 sets of hammer curls with dumbells
then use just a bar and do as many as you can for 3 sets

do this when you're starting off wiht your arms, then from there switch up to something else once you notice yourslef getting stronger.  these are good core exercies.  and don't neglect the triceps! you can do almost your entire triceps workout by doing just dips and using a cable machine.

Offline ensiferum

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curls curls curls....

do 3 sets of regular curls with dumbells
3 sets of hammer curls with dumbells
then use just a bar and do as many as you can for 3 sets

do this when you're starting off wiht your arms, then from there switch up to something else once you notice yourslef getting stronger.  these are good core exercies.  and don't neglect the triceps! you can do almost your entire triceps workout by doing just dips and using a cable machine.


Offline jalen_rose5

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triceps, biceps, shoulders, tricep bench... you'll be good, but dont overtrain...

Offline Pferdestärken

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Two completely opposing views there, that ought to help!  ;D

OK, my two cents. I'd recommend neither approach - or both.

When you get to the gym, after some light warmup and gentle stretching, do a pyramid of a single heavy compound free weight exercise. We're talking squats or deads, cleans, something like that. Start relatively light for one set of 12. Bit heavier for 10. Bit heavier again for 8. Now heavy for six, and you need to be pushing like your life depended on it for the last two. Back off and do a set of 12 with the weight you did 10 with. It should be light now!

OK, your body should have gotten a pretty clear message at this point - grow or you're gonna get crushed. Now for the sleight of hand.

Take your target area, your arms. Do pretty much the same thing, but blast them from several angles with isolation exercises. Do 12, 10, 8, 6, 12 sets of one exercise, say barbell curls, and superset that with overhead extensions for the tris. Every session do different isolation moves. The "pyramid" technique isn't so vital here either, 21's work well also. Those are 7 partial reps, say bottom part of curls, then 7 of the upper part, then 7 full range, for 3 or 4 sets. Whatever you do, you are aiming to get a pump and fatigue your arms as quickly as you possibly can. Squeeze and flex every rep.

Then do your cardio and get the hell out. If you've been in the gym longer than 30 mins then you didn't push hard enough on the heavy compound exercise at the start.

The whole idea is to prime the system for growth with the compound exercise and then beat the hell out of the specific bodypart you want to target. It worked for me!

Oh - and training at home. OK, if you have the room and the cash to buy equipment. I did it for years, but spent a fortune turning my garage into a home gym. Squatting 400lbs in an upstairs bedroom isn't recommended. If you're determined you'll find a way. Just be safe! You'd be better off in a gym though. Go in your kit, wear baggies, whatever, you'll be fine.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2005, 12:30:47 PM by phil.short »
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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dude. go to the gym. do leg work, that'll pour a good load of testosterone into your body. remember, working your core muscles is very important. besides that, curls are always good. try 21's - arnold used to do them, he called them 3 part curls..

what you do is take barbells.. and then do 7 1/2 reps (the lower half) then do 7 1/2 reps (upper half), do 7 full reps.. do 3 sets of these (taking a 30 second - 1 minute break)..

also, try supersetting your biceps with your triceps.. supersets as in, say you do 1 set of concentration curls.. then you go into your tricep routine immediately.. i'm going to post the routine is what has given me kickass arms..

---routine 1: biceps/triceps--


21's - 3 sets (biceps)

supersets begin.

5 sets of inclined dumbell curs 8-10 reps/supersetted with tricep pulldowns 8-10 reps

5 sets of concentration curls 8-10 reps/supersetted with reverse tricep pulldowns 8-10 reps

5 sets of hammer curls 8-10 reps/supersetted with over the head pressdowns 8-10 reps

Preacher Curls for Triceps


then do some forearm work, indulge in some protein shake.

*note* - you must remember to include quality shoulder workout.. otherwise your arms are going to looked really phucked up.. good shoulder development is VERY important..

hope this helps..


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