Author Topic: 20 Years Old - Surgery with Karidis - 1st Sep 2012 (Recovering) - Photo Updates  (Read 24434 times)

Offline enom

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Nice man, go well for you? For me the bloods were definitely the most uncomfortable part and felt it more than the canula for GA.

Worst part over imo ;)

Went a lot better than usual! She kept me occupied with a lot of questions, mostly about my degree and we found out that her daughter goes to the same university. I just remained laid down for a good 20 minuets before moving anywhere just to make sure.

Offline enom

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Bloods results back and sent. Just a short waiting game left now until the big day.

Honestly don't know what to expect results wise. When Karidis is marking you up, does he ask what you want and give you options? Or does he simply get drawing?

The thing that worries me the most is that my Gyno visibility changes a lot in accordance to how much salt and sodium I have in my diet (water retention). I'm hoping that my Gyno is in it's worse case scenario on the day if that makes any sense. Don't know if anyone can relate.

Anyway, I'm going to take a few more up to date photos in the next week as i've added a bit more muscle mass onto my chest in the last 2/3 months.

Offline rasputin

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I haven't heard of gyno being affected by sodium. I could imagine if you're dehydrated then maybe it looks better? Ask Dr. Karidis if you like but medically speaking I'm not sure how that can happen. Also he marks up based on how much gland he can feel under your nipple, not by sketching around what he sees with his eyes - so can't imagine it having an impact anyway.

He didn't ask me any questions, just gave reassurance etc. There's only one option and that's for him to lipo the area and chop out almost all the gland. That's just how the procedure works no matter what your condition. I wouldn't worry about anything mate, he'll sort you out good and proper!
My Trip Report (Preop & Postop pics).

Offline enom

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I haven't heard of gyno being affected by sodium. I could imagine if you're dehydrated then maybe it looks better? Ask Dr. Karidis if you like but medically speaking I'm not sure how that can happen. Also he marks up based on how much gland he can feel under your nipple, not by sketching around what he sees with his eyes - so can't imagine it having an impact anyway.

He didn't ask me any questions, just gave reassurance etc. There's only one option and that's for him to lipo the area and chop out almost all the gland. That's just how the procedure works no matter what your condition. I wouldn't worry about anything mate, he'll sort you out good and proper!

Dehydration makes sense.

When I've got back from a run, my skin is a lot tighter and makes the Gyno look less noticeable. Similar to when you're nipples are hard.

Offline enom

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Finally started to hit me that I'm having surgery on Saturday. Last few nights I have had some crazy dreams about the whole thing, it's so messed up!

Started to get man flu symptoms also. Been feeling very nauseous and had a slight soreness in my throat for the last couple of days. Sneezing a lot also. Don't think it's anything serious if it is anything. Could just be all in my head..

Offline rasputin

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Genuinely mate, and I'm not just saying this - it's an absolute breeze.

You'll get in, watch some TV and have your BP taken. After an hour or two you'll go down for the GA. The anaesthetist's assistant is lovely and will explain what's happening and then you'll wake up feeling pretty drowsy but no pain or anything. After that you'll eat some great food, recover for a couple of hours and then head home!

You'll be so happy you did this but appreciate it does feel very surreal.

Offline thetodd

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Most people are ill prior to surgery, its just stress dont worry you will be getting the op no matter what. The process is easy, whatever worries your having right now will just go on the day everything is done for you. You get there, go to your bed and just let the nurses do the work there really is nothing to think about. Getting marked up is weird, but its done in a minute and hopefully youl be whisked away sharpish for the op. You get nice food and you get nurses pampering while you're chilling watching TV, its pretty sweet.

Youl have a great result, relax
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline lucky8

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Good luck enom for tomorrow - keep us posted. You're in safe hands.

Offline enom

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Thanks everyone, arrived in London this morning.

Had a call from both the Karidis Office and the hospital. Good news is that I'm first on the list at 8am, so I hope to be on the other side by 9.

Anyway, I better try and catch some sleep!

Offline darkstar

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Best of luck man, you'll be done in no time.

Offline enom

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I live to see another day!

Sore and tired at moment.

Pain = 5 out of 10.

Will post bigger update later.

Thanks again everyone


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Hey man good luck with everything cant wait to see your results just had my surgery on 30th aug

Offline enom

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Hi Everyone,

Got back home yesterday evening after the surgery. Was a 4 hour long journey which was a little bit rough on the turns in the car but still bearable.

Just spent the last hour taking off the bandages and having a shower which felt great.

All seems ok at the moment. I have a fair bit of swelling which is to be expected. Especially on the right hand side on the top part of the nipple.

Had 10g of gland and 175ml of fat removed on the right. On the left I had 7g of gland and 125ml of fat.

I have to agree with rasputin, everything feels so surreal.

1 Day Post Surgery

« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 12:38:50 PM by enom »

Offline lucky8

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Good result, are you pleased? Bruising is pretty colourful as you're lean so your skin is thin.

I'm watching your thread with heightened interest now as I've got a similar case to you and managed to get a late cancelation with Mr K for this Thursday - bricking it now.

Are you in much pain? Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Offline enom

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Good result, are you pleased? Bruising is pretty colourful as you're lean so your skin is thin.

I'm watching your thread with heightened interest now as I've got a similar case to you and managed to get a late cancelation with Mr K for this Thursday - bricking it now.

Are you in much pain? Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Hi Lucky8

I'm pretty happy with the results so far considering I'm swelled up a bit at the moment.

Honestly mate, as all others have said, there is absolutely nothing to worry about it.

Pain yesterday was about 5-6/10 and worser at times (especially on the way home), but now that I have had a shower, removed dressings and been on pain killers for the last day, everything has improved.

I wish you the best of luck lucky! ;)


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