Author Topic: 8th November Op date with Karidis ( NEW PICS )  (Read 11022 times)

Offline Mickydubs

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Thanks for the support lads really appreciate it.
Had a nice day at the health spar today with my wife, would have been so much better if I was gyne free.
Just for the simple things like relaxing at the side of the pool and not being self concious / paranoid about people thinking things to themselves.
If the wife would have said should we cancel it and go shopping or something I would have said yes, which would have been a bloody waste.
The best thing is from tomorrow I know thats gonna happen real soon,( the gyne free !!!! )and I cant wait !!!

Offline Swarley

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How are you doing Micky?
Surgery with Alex Karidis 8/11/11. Currently recovering.

Offline Mickydubs

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Hi Swarley, doing pretty good mate thanks.
Can't believe the differance in your 12mths pics, some hard work gone in there i think, I am more than motivated now myself, gonna start off with some light cardio as soon as poss and really sort out my nutrition, just before op I was 15st  5'11" and if the home scales are correct 29% bodyfat which seems v high ?

Appologies all for the poor spelling etc in some of my posts have been using my iphone which is a little bit on the small side and have only noticed the poor grammer when looking back  ( saying that not much better now i'm on the laptop )  
Had my op 8th november with Dr. Karidis and his team.
Got to room at 10.30am
Had blood pressure and temp done.
Got into the tights and paper pants, nice !!!
Went down at 11.45, remember the chap giving me some oxygen and counting to 10, I know I was away before the count of 10.
Seemed to have just blinked my eyes and was back in the room, asked the nurse if I had had the op and she said yes its all done, had to grab for the vest just to be sure, what a great fealing to feal the top of the hard vest.
Had some sleep inbetween blood pressure checks, all fine.  
Had some nice sarnies and left around 6.30.
Got home at midnight so quite along day really, but feal good today.
I,m gonna put up a new thread with some details of the train and tube experience because I would hate someone to be put off using Karidis just because they lived up in the North of the country and a hotel isn't necessary really as long as you travel 1st class which for the differance is a must !!!!!  
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 11:59:09 AM by Mickydubs »

Offline Mickydubs

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More photo updates, day before op, marker penned up, vested up, taped up, tape off, sod the plasters they must be glued on !!!

p.s made a crazy mistake and didn't shave, thought I would be ok as I'm not that hairy, ouch was not the word !!!!

Going to try and put up photos in better order, further down thread.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 04:53:43 AM by Mickydubs »

Offline Mickydubs

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Hi all,
Still haven't mastered the picture thing but am improving.

On the main shot ( on its side )you can see were the blue pads were placed beneath the bandages,the pads have left large dents in what used to be my chest, photos don't realy show this up very well. I was kind of wrapped up like a mummy, was a big relief to cut the tape off, then the vest was put on over the top extra tight.
Have showered and the plasters stayed in place, so will change tomorro.
Don't seem to have oozed any blood or fluid larger than a pea size if that.
Fealing good today, seem to have pretty good movement in my arms, bit achy in the chest/ pecs, just don't want to overdo things like I usually do ( bloody inpatient my wife likes to say ! )
I was alergic to the pain relief tablets dy-hydrocodine ( makes me halucinate badly )so they gave me tramadol instead, has anyone else had these and did you have any side effects?

Offline thetodd

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Lookin good!

I wouldnt take the painkillers personally, if your not feeling bad id just ride it out. Just take it easy and relax. Dont be worried if you wake up and your chest has dents etc youve had qutie a lot of lipo but itl definatley fill out in time :)
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Swarley

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On the painkillers - the nurse gave me 2 batches;
co-dydramol and tramadol.

She said to take the co-dydramol proactively to avoid having any pain, and that the tramadol was my backup - if the co-dydramol doesn't cut it, then take the tramadol - but that I should go lie down after I take the tramadol because it will probably knock me out.

I reckon thetodd is right. If you're in pain, take some tramadol and lie down for a bit. Otherwise, just try to get comfortable and relax.

Offline chopper

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Good stuff  ;D Now just hang tight for the next 6 months. By summer you will be loving it. Expect a bumpy ride until then, just hold onto the though of being topless with next summer without thinking about it

Offline Mickydubs

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Thanks guys,
gonna take the advice and take things easy today, got the house to myself and have only got out of bed 3 or 4 times.Intended on walking the dog today but as shes only a pup and is at the pulling stage will be giveing it a miss.
Very sore under the arms/sides of chest today and a bit swolen, its not were the cuts are but more were the vest has dug in at the side.
Taken the tramodol and these seem to help a lot more than paracetamol with the pain relief but definately make you drowsey, keep nodding in and out consciousness.

Offline badger

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Would you recommend to shave armpits and chest before the op?

Offline Mickydubs

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If I was hairy then yes,
but thinking about it now for me probably still no, actual plasters came off the inscisions pretty easy as I had next to no discharge.
The micropore tape which held blue padding down to the skin around armpits and chest was much harder to get off, seem to be glued to each individual hair and bloody killed !

Offline Mickydubs

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Day before op pic

Magic markered up ready for surgery
« Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 11:51:21 AM by Mickydubs »

Offline Mickydubs

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Day after op With vest on
Day after op With vest off

Offline Mickydubs

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Day 2 tape coming off, Ouch !!!
Day 2 tape coming off ( bent forward on this a little to show dinges more clearly )

Offline Mickydubs

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