Author Topic: Anyone Truly 100% Happy with there Surgery  (Read 12023 times)

Offline webster

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Hi jimd,  can you say what you were injected with (cortisone??). If so I imagine there was not fat left but hard lumpy scar tissue?

Also was a revision offered or considered?

Thanks for sharing your experience.

ATB. Webster.

Offline Taz

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I'd say I'm about 75% happy, 2 1/2 years post op. 75% is being very harsh, I was a much more severe case than most people on these boards, so it's a miracle my cheast looks like it does with a single surgery so far.

There are little niggles, like when I raise my arms things look a bit nasty. My hypertrohic scars prevent me from taking my top off still, this is entirely due to my body's healing and nothing to do with the surgeons skills.

My lhs is fine, I'm completely happy with that, the rhs is fairly uneven, some places have to little fat and some bits have too much.

I had an appt with levick a few weeks ago, he injected my hypertrophic scars with steroids and they have gone down substantially. He said that the right side could be neatend up, he offered to do a little lipo and actually put some fat back in into the concaved area on my RHS.

I am going to go with the offer of revision but I told Levick I want to lose a fair bit of weight first and he was totally cool with this.

Offline Nokiojazz

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Dont no about full gyne but as for puffy nipples im 100%

happy with my op cant speak for any other surgeons out there but ALEX KARIDIS is my hero the guy sat down spoke to me and listend to what i had to say i payed him 3500 and my dreams now true i can wear a tight G Unit vest simple as that my nipples look fine i cant even see wear he cut me open the scars are just not there there is no depression there just flat and that when im hot in the bath or just woke up when im cold my nipples are perfect when im hot and the areola is relaxed they are still perfect its all perfect guys trust me ALEX KARIDIS is the man to see in London change my life for the better im now the same vain arogent guy i was before i took those damm steroids and its all thanks to him lol i just cant wait oo hit the club with my G Unit vest lol laters guys vits easy for me to come on here all happy saying yeeeaaahh im all fixed cause i no theres guys on this site and there lives are upside down due to gyne full gyne puffy nips or what ever what i can say to those peeps are is i aint got no money  and a year ago when i was told it was gonna cost me 3500 i thought oh my god how the hel am i gonna get the money i got more thing in my life i have to sort out but guys surgery does work you just gotta stay focused a man who is fully confident in him self can achive anything so get your confidence back then the worlds yours ALEX KARIDIS can fix puffy nipples in 20 mins i no that for a fact he done it for me full gyne i dont no but if he can sort something out so subtle i bet he can sort out full gyne to my email address is any thing i can help any of you out with ? about surgery and gyne or what ever please email me i WILL email you back good luck peeps gyne can be sorted you can have that flat chest you want ystay focused  laters peeps

Offline uk2000

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i jsut had surgery with alex karidis for the second time, and i cant even see a diference frm the last time.  even my mum said the same thing - doesnt look like any diff.  

i told him i wanted to be flat, and even now 1 week later my boobs are jiggling about.   and i had a  moderate case, it wasnt even bad.  hes also left alot of fat or gland on 1 side,  which i specifically told him like 100x i wanted sorted out and removed.
it feel like another dissapointing result for me........

i also had my nose fixed frm him, and the tip dropped back down to its original point like 6 months later.  hes not as good surgeon as people make out.
July 04 - Gland removal + liposuction- Adriaan Grobbelaar. Results: Terrible
Feb 05 - Lipo Revision- Alex Karidis.
Nov 05 - Gland + Lipo- Alex Karidis.
Jun 06 - LHS gland + Lipo - Alex Karidis.

Offline UK_Duzted

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July 04 - Gland removal + liposuction- Adriaan Grobbelaar. Results: Terrible
Feb 05 - Lipo Revision- Alex Karidis. Results: Ok, but not great.
Nov 05 - Gland + Lipo- Alex Karidis. Results:awaiting.. .

sorry to hear you are not happy with your results UK2000, but it is interesting to see who your surgeons have been.

i actually had consultations with grobelaar and karidis and both of them left me feeling more unhappy and confused than before i went into their offices.
i felt that grobelaar didn't want to even consider doing liposuction on the area, only excision, even though i expressed a need for it.

and karidis spent most of the time saying that i may not be happy with the outcome and mentioned all the pitfalls of having a chest operation.
i came out of both of the consultations feeling very low, thinking that i would never have a chance of being "normal" and very un-content that the doctors had answered my list of questions to a full extent.

luckily i stumbled upon a guy who had had it done with Levick, in fact i think levick had only done one gyne job that i knew of at that point. After the consultation i felt confident, and i knew my life would be transformed. i then let guys on this website know about him.

its actually my 3 years "boobless anniversary" in a couple of weeks  ;D  yay!

hope that your operation settles to a more acceptable level for you uk2000, give it time.
Surgery by Dr Levick Nov 2002.
Bilateral Excission and Ultrasonic Liposuction via Transaxillary Incission

Offline uk2000

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thanks uK duzted.  im trying to stay positive, but its so hard.
its been my 3rd op now, and one side is ok, but the other side looks deformed.
yea grobellar was such a waste of time, even after when i showed him my results, he didnt want to knw, even his nurse knew they were bad.
karidis made me trust him, and kept sayin his gna put all his expertise on it, that was his actual words, but he didnt listen to a word i said.
i just cant be bothered explaining, feel so furstrated, and i knw that for things to get right im gna have to have my left side corrected again at some point to match it with the right.   when i see karidis i will be having some words with him, and wont let him fob me off.

Offline irish_dude

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  • Op performed with Mr.Levick, 19/8/2005
luckily i stumbled upon a guy who had had it done with Levick, in fact i think levick had only done one gyne job that i knew of at that point. After the consultation i felt confident, and i knew my life would be transformed. i then let guys on this website know about him.

I keep joking about Mr.Levick having to pay us a commission for all the referals!

I'm three months post-op and 80% happy. There's a lot of soft fatty/fluidy type tissue still there and it may or may not get reabsorbed. It's still early days.

My moobs where quite hard before glandular excision and lipo and Mr.L did say that what he took out was so tough that he couldn't break it up with his fingers.

Even if I do need revision, I think it would be a cakewalk using a micro-canuala and wouldn't be a surgical biggie.

I guess the two key things post-surgery are a) finding the right surgeon and b) reigning your expectations to realistic levels.

Offline patientx1

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Hey UK2000

I know this is an old thread, but how did things end up after Jun06 Karidis?
Scar revision & Bio-Alcamid injects by Ruth Waters '04

Revision lipo surgery Poland / Baranski 1st Mar '07

Rev. lipo London / Karidis end of July '08

Rev. laserlipo England / Gabriel Feb '09

More photos to follow

Offline greedthang

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How can i contact Mr Levick, pls reply, i would consider doing an operation,
« Last Edit: January 11, 2007, 06:54:46 PM by greedthang »

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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Mr Levicks contact details are:
The Priory Hospital
Priory Road
B5 7UG
01527 577675

On a more general note this thread is worthy of bumping up from time to time as it reminds those of us who have had surgery just how long we have to wait to see the final results.  I’m only 3 months post op with Levick and I would say I’m about 60% happy with the results so far but I am ONLY 3 months.  I had secretly hoped to be a little better at this stage but hell its ONLY 3 months.  I have a little of many of the common problems, swelling, hollows, one side larger than the other, and if I massage too hard I bruise and have to stop for a couple of weeks.

I knew at the beginning that it was going to take at least 6 months and more likely 12 months to see the results but I know one thing.  My chest is a damn sight better now than it was before the surgery.  Even at this early stage I can wear thin shirts and T shirts without looking like a man with boobs anymore.  Any improvement from now onwards will be a bonus.  I will review my chest with Mr Levick at the 12 month stage but it’s far too early to judge now how it will look then, so I am prepared to wait and see.  I see little point in people even thinking about revisions until they are on the other side of 9 months.

As so many others have already said, it is vital to have realistic expectations of what surgery can provide.  Generally it doesn’t produce miracles but it should provide improvement.

To all those who are less than 2 years post op, I would hope you will keep us posted on how things progress with you.  It really is a great help to those of us who are behind you time-wise.

Good luck to us all.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2007, 04:31:49 PM by Time_to_fix_it »
Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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As so many others have already said, it is vital to have realistic expectations of what surgery can provide.  Generally it doesn’t produce miracles but it should provide improvement.

Exactly dude!  GRS is a 'fix' not a 'cure'.

To all those who are less than 2 years post op, I would hope you will keep us posted on how things progress with you.  It really is a great help to those of us who are behind you time-wise.

Do you mean 'more' than 2 years post op?

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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No, I meant as I said .... less than 2 years post op (i.e. up to 2 years post op) because I believe by the end of 2 years the healing will be finished and we can't expect things to get any better.  If people continue to post for the 2 years after surgery I think their experiences and observations are invaluable to those of us who have recently had surgery.

Plastic Surgeons often quote 1 year to completely heal and push it to 2 years if there are problems with the initial healing (the cynics amongst us might say they push it to 2 years to avoid doing a revision but I couldn’t possibly condone such a slanderous comment  ;)).

Either way we all know our chests take a heck of a lot of time to sort themselves out after surgery. 


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