Author Topic: Blame Need your advice again m8!!!!  (Read 3468 times)

Offline Nokiojazz

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Hi m8 thanks for your post just wanted to ask did you have these worrys before you had your surgery

My case of Gyne is very subtle i have the puffy nipple thing going my chest it is fine my pecks are well formed its just my nipples that are ruining my life  its at its worst when i wake up in the morning or when im in a hot bath or sauna or something,i cant wear tight tops because it looks like i have 2 mounds poking out im worryied that if i have surgery it will iver not make any diffrence or my nipple will end up looking saggy or something are these the same sort of concerns you had before you had your surgery in an ideal world i just want me nipples to be flat as possiable

Offline blame2005

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Hey Nokio,
I heard your request and i cometh!haha!
Believe me I had exactly the same worries. Everyone including family, friends and even my martial arts teacher said "i dont need surgery". But i knew in the hot weather; early in the morning when i got up; or when my muscles were relaxed that my nipples sagged and went all puffy. I couldnt wear tight t shirts in summer for the same reason. it looks liked i had mini boobs! Female friends said it was "cute". Personally i thought that they were ugly. Depressing thing is that i trained real hard and i mean real hard - pressup, jogging, cardio, low fat diet and still the silly buggers wouldnt go.
I would get an opinion from your doctor. Get a blood test done for testosterone and estrogen levels (full blood workup). If doc isnt as sympathetic (thats what i found). Go to a private GP. If u are in london I would recommend the private GP Dr Tapan Patel: He also is qualified on a new technique called lypolosis. An injection that can dissolve fat (not breast tissue!!!). He is brilliant too. Here is the sight for lypolosis:

I think it comes down to purely personal preference. Believe me when i say Dr. Karidis was professional. I was initially stunned with how brief he was at the "Free" consultation. But support from sites like this and
were a great help. You can search for my history of help there too! I even tried nolvadex but this didnt work as the breast tissue had fibrosed. The final straw was when i bypassed my GP for a private GP who confirmed that I was in good shape (with a good normal blood work up) but had mild gynecomastia.
The procedure that Dr. Karidis performed was very thorough for the minimal gyne I had and the time it took! He used liposuction (incisions in armpits) to remove excess fat from the pecs. Secondly, made 2 tiny incisions along the underside of my nipples (which u cant even see at all) to remove the breast tissue. The puffiness is actually due to the breast tissue sitting directly behind the nipple like a little smartie or m&m if not a tad bigger - depending on severity. This puffs up the nipple and makes it a darker colour. Once removed Dr. Karidis stitched this back up. The compression vest is vital after the op for "skin tightening" so that the sag or the crater effect or the droopiness that u speak of wont occur. I was scared of the same thing. Now my pecs, look like pecs! Its been almost 3 months and nipples are still a bit tender and small bits of scar tissue but i can see the difference and feel it for that matter. i had a YSL tight fitted white t shirt ive always wanted to wear and when i tried it on the other day i was like "..what the f£"$"$"£!!, im actually toned!" You will realise, however, that after the op your chest feels flatter (thats if u have the combination liposuction aswell). Just means that u have to pump it up with weights as its pure muscle sitting behind there devoid of fat. Overtime u will see the glory!
Today, i got a survey letter from Dr. Karidis clinic - i will definitely recommend it highly. As mentioned, If you want me to send u post-op pic after 1 week and then after 1.5months. Drop me a mail on with ur mobile and ill picture message them across to u. For some reason i didnt use a proper camera damnit! My pre-op pics are being sent by email so havent got them yet. Please dont worry ok. I highly recommend that if u do have worries that u speak to Dr. Karidis direct or call Vanessa (his PA) for further advice. They are very helpful. Take care and good luck. Keep in touch. B

ps. take a look through this site and u can see what breast tissue looks like severe and not so severe:--
« Last Edit: February 23, 2005, 05:28:52 AM by blame2005 »

Offline Nokiojazz

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Man!! i remeber a year back i thought i was the only guy in the world with this problem and to hear you say that you was in the same boat is me is like a weight of my shoulders i have sent my final email to alex karidis and im going for the surgery thanks to you i feel amazing today!!!! almost like its already over even before ive had the surgery thank godd for this web site and thank you so much for all your advice as its really lifted me up ill keep in touch and let yea know how it all goes in the future take care bruv thanks again ;)
« Last Edit: February 23, 2005, 05:45:30 AM by Nokiojazz »

Offline blame2005

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Nice one mate! Just think of all the positives after surgery! Watch loads of tv in ur room and check out the fit nurses. That usually keeps ur mind off things! Wierdest thing i had to do is walk in the operation gown and special surgical stockings through the corridor to the theatre! Thats funny! hehehe..Just dont get a wedgie and/or crap urself!!!
U will know what i mean wen u get there hahahahaha!!!  ;D          good luck matey.

ps. pre-op Dr. Karidis will come see u to draw all over ur chest with a marker. Dont be shy to tell him what u want in addition. He is clued up anyway but while he was drawing on me said "any other bits hmm" and i said "i dont like the saggy bit on the side here on the left". he promptly scribbled that area. He definitely worked on it and removed it! So be critical - its alot of money ur spending and its ur body. He will then take a pre-op picture (probably 3 from each angle). When i saw these at my one month followup i was shocked at the change!!! u will be too!!! keep up the arnica and whatever happens wear that compression vest to the max!!! That is VITAL with a capital "V"
« Last Edit: February 23, 2005, 06:02:03 AM by blame2005 »


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