Author Topic: The Karidis Journey - Start to finish **22 Days Post Op NEW PIC**  (Read 21443 times)

Offline PecDec

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Be carefull with massage, i dont use the phrase "to break it up" anymore because it implies that you should be doing a hard vigarous massage

You shouldnt it should be firm and all over, twice a day for a few minutes with bio oil. Anymore than that i was told can cause scar tissue i used to massage so hard id be sore afterwards. When i went to  see karidis to show him which points were scar tissue he had a feel and said these were actually muscles that i couldnt see before and i had inflamed them and caused scar tissue to build up inbetween the muscle. So i stopped massaging and it all settled down.

Massage, but dont go overboard

Yeah I have massaged it pretty hard to see if I could get rid of it and in theory if it was water it should pop but it didn't. I've decided to massage it all over firmly and for longer but not hard. I do it with my vest on as well because helps to move over the area but also if it does swell from the massaging the vest should help control it.

theTodd have you found any non surgical procedures that work for scar tissue??

Choda chest workout should be ok but give it 2 weeks and take it easy. I'm going to start off with lower weights and build myself up again. Make sure got the same movement again. My chest has been pretty tight since the OP. Hopefully don't open up the incisions.
Surgery with Dr. Karidis - 12th April 2011 - Status: Recovery

Offline thetodd

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Kenalog shots are classed as  surgical i guess, but its just basically injections

no aneasthetic, just injections into scar tissue sites. But i cant see you needing it seriously. How far post op are you because you shouldnt really be touching it till the 3 week mark ive noticed lads on here latley are trying to do things before this to speed things up ... its just going to make things worse

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline ShakerMaker

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Offline PecDec

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I'm massaging every day only 15 days post op but find it helps. Literally just seeing how my body reacts. Going to leave vest on 24/7 for another week or so. My right side more gland was taken and have noticed not healing as quick as my left. No doubt did more surgery on that side but also I'm right handed so that sides get used the most. Recover going well, will add more photos on the weekend.

Offline pharmerjoe

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how long after it can you do manual work? I have a job which will require some lifting, nothing too heavy maybe max of about 15-20kg at a time.

Offline PecDec

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Hard to say but I couldn't lift my arms up above my shoulders for almost 2 weeks. Was really tight but also didn't want to open up the incisions. I was able to lift my luggage and shopping bags the same day but was hanging down the side of me. I'm 15 days post op and can lift an pick up things above shoulder height. Still get some pain from my chest but it's not as tight and the incisions are about 95% closed. Still have to be careful.

What would you be lifting in work? Above shoulder height?

Offline PecDec

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Here is the latest picture I've taken. Happier with the results but still got a lot of hard scar tissue around the chest area but keep telling myself it's only been 17 days since the op. "Patience is a virtue" as they say!

You can see the hard scar tissue more when my arms are down by my side.

Excuse the 3rd nipple ( pimple ) is the middle of my chest :)

Post OP

17 Days Post OP

Offline lightweightbaby

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It's looking good mate, you can really see the lower pecs coming through. You started training again? I hope mine looks this good after 17 days if I ever get this blood thing sorted :(

Offline thetodd

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I can only see your pec muscles on that pic, looks so much better

Nips look like theyve healed niceley aswell

Offline PecDec

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Yeah definitely an improvement since before my op. With my arms down it doesn't look as good though because there is still some swelling and a load of hard scar tissue developing. Cut back on the massaging just for the next few days. Don't want to make it worst but at the same time I don't want to not do it then later on realise I should of done more. If that makes sense? Everyone does as much as they can to speed up recovery so they can see if it's all worth it. I'm guessing the scar tissue may even get worst before it gets better. Only time will tell....

Offline chopper

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Results look really good and its only been 17 days! Just imagine how good it will look this time next year as we roll into summer  ;D

Offline thetodd

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just dont get obsessive with it like i did 5 mins in the morn 5 mins when you go to bed, is enough

Get some bio oil, it just makes it easier to massage with. Looking at that pic i dont think you have much to worry about scar tissue wise i cant see you needing any revisions it looks great

Offline waves

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Guys, some really good advice being provided here by Todd.  Massaging too early will cause problems.  Massaging too hard will cause problems.  You don't want those problems to become permanent.  You paid a lot of money for this surgery, don't make things worse by being impatient.

For some different perspective on my doc's recommendations:

Massage - Nothing before 4 weeks post op, then max 5 min per day, not too hard
Working out - Nothing before 3 weeks.  I was sore and couldn't lift my hands over my head fully until 6 weeks.  That's when I started working out.
Lifting heavy weights - Nothing before 3 weeks.

Offline Choda

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Offline somedude999

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Great advice, will be following that after my op for sure.

Guys, would it be ok to start going for say a 30 minute fast walk each day after a week or so post op ? Obviously it depends on each individual case and how well they feel etc. Think I'm going to go out of my mind sat around for weeks on end.


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