Author Topic: Journey To A Fresh Start for A 18 yr Old  (Read 3949 times)

Offline zado611

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Weight:245(was @ 290 in December of Last year)

This morning I completed telling both my parents about how bad Gynecomastia was affecting my life, and how I wanted to have the surgery to help fix all this mess. Both of them cried and told me they would do anything to get it done for me, even if it meant them paying for it instead of me even though i insisted me getting a loan and paying it off. I'm truly thankful to have parents that care more about there child sometimes than do themselves. I plan on getting a consultation sometime in late April or Early May(maybe June if all else fails) with the surgery in May sometime before it gets too late into the month.. College starts this upcoming August, and I can't imagine any better way to start of with my new chest than in a college world where social life is a constant esp at this major university. If I would have had to deal with it there, I would have no doubt lost my mind from worrying so much. I suppose the Lord answered my prayer just in time; they do say his ways are far above our ways and plans far above our plans. Really have to give him props for being there when I couldnt talk to nobody else and keeping me sane throughout this whole ordeal. Also i would like to thank everyone on this board for the encouraging words, prayers, and just everything yall have done to help make this a problem that I can now feel Im not alone. I'll Continue this thread until my recovery process is over(probably up to about 6 mths after Surgery). My next post will be about my schedule consultation whenever I get that underway(btw its with Dr. Jeffords in Atlanta). Pics are below. Thanks again.

Offline Raider Fan

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Congrats, zado.  Good luck with your journey.  I know you're excited at the thought of getting the problem corrected and living the rest of your life the way it was meant to be.

Offline Mark102

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Good luck man! You'll always find support and guidance on this forum when you need it!

Wow, that is a great way to "renew" yourself! College!

God does answer our prayers and does confort us when we need it, I agree with you.

Good luck again on that surgery and can't wait to see where you'll be in August (about 4 months)

Offline zado611

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A minor set back occured a couple days ago asked my mom about getting an appointment early May and getting the surgery about a week later after that date, because this was the only time I could have it until late June because of a busy time for our family with certain things coming up. When I started asking, she told me to stop and to please not talk about it. I was completely shut off. Hurt alot after I thought I was making progress with them. So it looks like it may be late June or July if even then. Wanted to go ahead and get it over with cuz of all the stuff bout to take place during summer and before then but look like my mom don't think this is a priority :(. I need them for a ride to the doctor's office about 4 hours away and to cosign, so without them this isnt possible. Wish for one day they could feel my pain, then im for sure there minds would change quickly.

Offline Raider Fan

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Show them this site then and ask them to read some entries from you and other guys who are miserable.  If they can't feel your pain, it's up to you to MAKE them feel your pain.  Tell them what the condition is doing to you and how it's making you feel.  Be honest and up front with them.  Ask your dad how he would like to go around with noticeable boobs on his chest.  Ask your mom how she would like to go around with a penis hanging off her wrist.  Would she get THAT taken care of?  Would THAT be a priority?  It's no different for you.  It's up to you to open their eyes, because it seems they obviously don't understand its impact on you right now. 

Offline batman

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well, i expect that your mother will come around. i hope that you did direct her to his site. I found it very helpful.

i am the parent of an (almost) 18 yr old who suffers with gynecomastia. To be perfectly honest with you, it wasn't the 'shape' of my son's body that concerned me enough to research this affliction. It was the mental and emotional burdens that i could see and feel him buried under.

Remember- you are not alone in this, and there is a treatment.

Offline zado611

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Well its been a while since I've posted here.. It has been a busy summer with me with many social outings lived away from the house to be specific for about 6 weeks which was not good because I lived with 8 other guys hard to do with my condition and the deep depression I'm in with this condition.. Nyways to cut to the point I knew it would be this way if i didnt get the surgery before this summer.. I cancelled my admissions to a major university because I would have to get a HUGE loan.. and my opinion was Id rather get a loan for the surgery thats cheaper than get one for college(so now this condition has messed up my dreams to go to this unversity) and I'm settling for a second rate school thats cheaper during the spring.. Tomorrow I'm gonna have another sit down with my parents about having this surgery while im out of school for the fall maybe this time it will be easier bc there is absolutely no reason for them to say no because last time the excuse was they were busy and they would do it when a time came open well now the time is open so hopefully they wont make anymore up.. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers..

Offline Chicago

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I'm so sad to hear that you gave up going to your dream school because of gyne. Paying the extra $$$ for education always pays off in the long run.

Offline zado611

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it would have been hell going to college the way I was.. If you severe enough gyne, its a no-brainer to take the surgery and still go to a good college than go to a big university with gyne and have to suffer.. When you dont want to be around society at all and just want to stay hid up in your house as much as you possibly can, how can you go to a huge university where your around 30,000 ppl.. I would have went crazy.. believe me ive thought this over.. ill prolly transfer to there in about a yr or 2 so its all gonna work out

Offline zado611

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It's another "NO" :(... They won't agree to co-sign with me.. The "No" HURTS too much esp after they said they would when a date cam open.. Dont know what to do now.. Im emotionally drained at my wits end.. Praying I dont go crazy and get permanantly scarred by all this :/


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