Author Topic: The Karidis Journey - Start to finish **22 Days Post Op NEW PIC**  (Read 22004 times)

Offline PecDec

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How much scar tissue everyone experience? Seems like most of my chest has hard tissue developing. Literally got worst last day or 2. Taken my vest off at night to help sleep better. So much hard tissue hard to believe all of it will go.
Surgery with Dr. Karidis - 12th April 2011 - Status: Recovery

Offline improving

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I'm sure it will go in time, are you due to go back for a post op visit ? Could you phone him and ask how much scar tissue to expect?

If its not too much trouble could you post a picture of it ?

Offline ShakerMaker

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I'd lay off the massaging mate until you're at least 3-4 weeks post-op. If there's scar tissue still forming then the wounds in there are still healing and you don't wanna make them worse.

Offline waves

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Great advice, will be following that after my op for sure.

Guys, would it be ok to start going for say a 30 minute fast walk each day after a week or so post op ? Obviously it depends on each individual case and how well they feel etc. Think I'm going to go out of my mind sat around for weeks on end.

My surgeon gave a big thumbs up to walk around beginning the day after surgery.  It helps with blood flow apparently so he even encouraged it IF I could manage it.  For me personally I couldn't do a "fast" walk at 7 days post op, but I certainly did walk around quite a bit.  If you feel good, go for it.

Offline PecDec

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Yeah I've stopped massaging for now since I took my vest off the chest area more tender and scar tissue increasing. Wearing my vest 24/7 again. Not going to ring the surgery because not much they can do. All a part of the healing. I haven't booked the check up yet, off on holidays this month so said I'll book it when I get back. Will keep close eye on the scar tissue over the next week or so. Got some bio oil yesterday from Boots. £15 bit steep but if it does what it says on the tin then will be worth it.

Offline waves

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How much scar tissue everyone experience? Seems like most of my chest has hard tissue developing. Literally got worst last day or 2. Taken my vest off at night to help sleep better. So much hard tissue hard to believe all of it will go.

Lots!  Started developing I think around week 2 or so.  Didn't massage until week 4, 5 minutes each side per day.  By 2 months I think it was almost gone.  Now at 3 months it is gone.  However, I'm not convinced it was scar tissue and perhaps rather just swollen tissue/muscle as the body reacts to the trauma of the lipo (google gyne surgery on youtube and you'll see just how rough a procedure it can be).  It certainly felt different than other scar tissue I've had from knee surgery and the scar tissue I have now under my nipples (next paragraph... about 2.5 months I developed semi-hard fibrous like scar tissue right under the incision points pushing the bottoms of my nipples out.  Know it's from the incision as they're crescent shaped just like the incision.  Been massaging them for 2 weeks now and no real progress.  In the 'ask a doc' section they say this is normal and keep massaging until the 6 month point before considering the shot that melts it away.  As much as I tell others to "be patient", I know even for myself it is hard.  Generally try to ignore it and do the massaging daily.  Fun, fun, fun!  ;D

Offline somedude999

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Great advice, will be following that after my op for sure.

Guys, would it be ok to start going for say a 30 minute fast walk each day after a week or so post op ? Obviously it depends on each individual case and how well they feel etc. Think I'm going to go out of my mind sat around for weeks on end.

My surgeon gave a big thumbs up to walk around beginning the day after surgery.  It helps with blood flow apparently so he even encouraged it IF I could manage it.  For me personally I couldn't do a "fast" walk at 7 days post op, but I certainly did walk around quite a bit.  If you feel good, go for it.

TY mate will def see how I feel.

Offline emanresu

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Lumpy scar tissue was at its worst about 2 weeks post-op, but has decreased significantly by week number 3. Now I'm just left with a hard, solid mass on top of my ribcage which is pushing everything outwards and making it look 'mooby' again. Hopefully this will subside with massage.

Offline PecDec

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I'm just over 3 weeks post op now and the scar tissue still pretty bad.

Massaging daily and still wearing the vest 24/7.

I've added this picture so you can see the scar tissue a bit better than my last pics.

You can see it all around the nipple, not behind it which is good. The gland is gone but the whole chest area is still swollen and with hard tissue.

It's all around both sides but on the pic you can see it more on my right side underneath the nipple.

Offline Choda

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IMO that looks fantastic, your only 3 weeks post op so can you imagine your results in a couple months? :)

Offline PecDec

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Hoping the scar tissue starts to decrease and the swelling gets better.

Still got fair bit of tenderness behind the nipple and chest.

Put that down to the swelling still. Still only in the 3rd week of recovery.

Has anyone started running yet? I've stayed away from running and only walking at the moment.

The movement it would casue of the chest isn't worth the risk IMO.

Offline thom86

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Hey Thom

Just want to say your chest looks good mate, a lot better than mine and the improvement is visible, though I know exactly what you mean when you say you still want swelling etc and scarring to go down further, the fact you've seen an improvement from week 2-3 is good to hear as my left side is a bit of a mess at the minute.

I was planning on running after week 3 but have been having second thoughts but need to do some cardio to get me going. Wondering on getting a cheap step machine to do at home?

Offline lightweightbaby

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You back in the gym yet mate? Are your arms still stiff to move around or do you think you could do arms and legs at the gym now? Did your chest feel wobbly while walking at any stage?


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