Author Topic: Karidis pics - almost 1 year on!!  (Read 23897 times)

Offline niguy13

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Well I'm looking forward to my consultation with Karidis on the 1st of July and wonder if i could ask a few questions about him and keep a diary of how things are going with some before and after pictures. The op itself wont be for a couple of months but need something to keep my motivation up while i work my a$$ of to pay for this!

Anyway I'll post a few pics soon and a bit of background about myself to get the ball rolling and hopefully others who are struggling to get the money together and have to deal with the pressures of family life etc. can share their experiences and I'd love to hear from past Karidisees (i may need to coin a better phrase as we go on :D !) to see how they are getting on now, and of course share their experiences.

Couple of quick questions firstly=

1) Would it be ok for me to book surgery in for September if i see him on the 1st July?
2) How much is the deposit? I  have been reading the forums and the amount seems to fluctuate!

Oh, and one more- is it natural to expect great things from Karidis? I dont know if its reading all the great feedback on the guy or if its optimism over getting the op done. I'm trying to stay grounded and lower my expectations but i just can't help but think of a flat chest!
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 12:29:39 PM by niguy13 »

Offline Cellar_Door

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You're in safe hands with Karidis.

I'm a Karidisee here - I'm just 5 days post-op and I'm so happy this is sorted.

1. I don't see why not. They should be able to fit you in some time in September. You'll speak to Donna about that, his secretary, she's lovely.

2. It's 700 quid. (roughly)
Surgery completed. Mission accomplished!
2/6/09. Dr. Karidis, UK.

Offline thetodd

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Yeah you will get the surgery in september id imagine, it depends how busy they are and what day you want (i wanted a saturday and got one within 4 weeks). Karidis = Amazing , Hospital Staff = Friendley , Room = A+ . The day itself will go really quick

For the love of god, make sure you have blood test results to them in time because his staff just have a worry later approach and it seriously pissed me off at the time. Infact id just stump up the £130 and have them done there on the day. You CANNOT have the operation without these tests
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline niguy13

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« Last Edit: June 08, 2009, 06:05:39 PM by niguy13 »

Offline thetodd

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yea man youl get flat, youl need a fair bit of lipo like myself

on a side note, those red spots on your arm is a skin condition called keratosis pilaris if you get yourself an exfoliating glove from boots and use it daily it will ease them. Then you can apply urea cream

Offline Cellar_Door

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Yeah you will get the surgery in september id imagine, it depends how busy they are and what day you want (i wanted a saturday and got one within 4 weeks). Karidis = Amazing , Hospital Staff = Friendley , Room = A+ . The day itself will go really quick

For the love of god, make sure you have blood test results to them in time because his staff just have a worry later approach and it seriously pissed me off at the time. Infact id just stump up the £130 and have them done there on the day. You CANNOT have the operation without these tests

So true.

Let me briefly explain the SHIT I went through with blood tests - I travelled for 2.5 hours on a train (5 hours up and back) to a clinic (in Ireland), got the tests, paid for them. Three days later they called to say something got fucked up in the test, and I need to get it done again. I went again, took the long trip (in roasting weather), did the tests (for free). Time was TIGHT - within a one-day margin.
The day before the surgery, when the tests should have arrived, Karidis's secretary contacted me asking me about the blood test - where was it?
I thought what the darn, it should have arrived! It was a bank holiday, so the clinic was closed. - I rang them anyway, left a message, left them an email. Surgery was at 7 a.m. the next day - the clinic opened at 7.
So I flew over to London thinking "I seriously hope they get the blood test, or I'm totally fucked".

Well, obviously they got it because I got the surgery!

/end of rant

Offline niguy13

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hey thanks for the advice thetodd- I'll get a run down to boots at the weekend!

Had my first major set back this week when i didnt get my loan through -

Its no biggie tho because i'm determined to get this done if it means selling my kidney or something! <<Do you think Karidis would do that for me  :D

Anyway i'll be a zombie for the next few months working 2 jobs and looking after 3 children (well the missus will pick that side of things up  ;) If i can save a grand a month i'll be on course for October time hopefully, but one way or another this is going to happen before Christmas - thats a fact!

Still nervous that something might put a spanner in the works, for example something will come back from the blood results or Karidis might not think i'm suitable etc! I know this condition and thoughts of being free from it will continue to  play with my head day in day out so i'm preparing for a mental battle over the next 6 months as well.

One piece of positive news is that my brother has agreed to make the journey to London with me for the op. I don't know about you guys but having a familiar face around should be somewhat of a reassurance and besides who else is going to spoofeed me! HAHA.  I have an image of me laying in the bed at the hotel and calling 'Doctor' (Like the WKD ad for those who have seen it), and getting him to run around after me - I'll have to get practicing my 'look like i'm pain and distress face'. He knows what the op is for and was surprised at the price, but at the end of day he understands its a once-in-a-lifetime situation and he'll get to see some of London too.

Anyway enough talking - sleep, work, sleep, work and more work is the only way i'm going to get this done

P/s - i see another fella from the forums (JugsyMalone) is going to see Karidis on 01/07 for his consultation. good to know someone else out there is going through the same journey!

Offline niguy13

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Hi folks.

Been a while since i updated my post so though i would 'check in'.

Went to see Karidis last month for a consultation and it was extremely smooth sailing. My appointment was for 3. Got a flight from Belfast to Gatwick and traveled by Gatwick Express to London Victoria. Flights were £90 same day return (i booked them close to the time so no doubt you'd get them cheaper booking in advance) and the express was £25 same day return. Got a day ticket on for £5 and made my way up to st johns wood from there. Hung about and had a bite to eat and a few beers (expensive), which maybe wasn't the most sensible option! Got into the hospital about 3:10 and waited to see Karidis. Finally saw him at 3:50. Hes a busy man alright. He showed me some pics and seemed very confident answering all the questions confidently. He said he has done over 500 gyno ops and believes he can 'get me flat' and feels 'very experienced' in male chest reduction. Exactly what i wanted to hear.

So i went ahead and booked the op. Due to my financial situation i have had to book it for November 24th (which is 12 and a bit weeks away - doesn't seem as long saying it like that). I'm second on the list and my admission time is 7:30. I'm going to see my GP about my blood tests tomorrow so everything is in place.

Got my pack from Karidis' offices and i need to sign the cancellation form and return asap. Total cost of the op is £4163 (or in that region anyway.

Can anyone recommend a good place to stay for 2 nights when I'm getting the op done and somewhere good to eat in London. Wouldn't mind a nice steak meal (if thats allowed) before i have to fast. Finally for anyone who had the Op, my biggest fear is getting the anesthetic - is it over pretty quick? Does he tell you what hes about to do? Is it the usual count back from 10 etc...?


Offline niguy13

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Well, i'm now 8 weeks away and still need to get my blood tests completed and sent off. Need to contact my doc asap! Can anyone shed some light on my previous questions?

Offline Woodi

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I am not sure if this is any help, as I did not have my op with karidis and am only 2 weeks post op. But I was very worried about the general anasthetic, yet I did not even get to count, I remeber asking if i should count and was about to start, but just went straight out. Next minute your wide awake with the op all done. I did not feel the anasthetic at all, the only thing it does do, is it leaves you wondering where 2 hours went. There was no pain throughout the op has a whole and after apart from a minute little pinch for the iv, and that was nothing. Hope all goes well.

Offline niguy13

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Thanks Woodi, as i'm sure you all know i'm feeling a mixed range of emotions at the moment, fear, excitement, impatience... i can only but imagine how i'll be the night before the op. But i'm going into it with a positive attitude as i see it a positive step in my life so no point fretting about it. The good news is i have got my blood tests back and everything looks normal... apart from my serum-bicarbonate which was at 32mmol/L (normal range is 20-29). Not entirely sure how to interpret that tbh!

Anyway the Karidis secretary confirmed they have got the results and the nurse will ring if she notices anything 'untoward'. I'm just relieved to have another hurdle of the whole process over. I'm counting the days now 54 ;) until i'm rid of this (hopefully) forever and i can get on with the rest of my life.

I'm going to start reading up on the best way to prepare for the op (in terms of diet, supplements, medication) and at the moment i'm keeping myself in reasonable 'nic' as i dont expect to be able to do much for the few weeks following the op. At any rate, it will be a perfect excuse to laze about and eat i suppose.

Offline thetodd

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dont worry about it, dont get hungup on worry about diet and stuff all you need is

Recovery few weeks ;)
Pineapple, get a few precut packs before the day of your op i hate slicing the stuff
Pineapple Juice

and anything but fizzy drinks, im a PGtips man ... i drilled a few packs in my few weeks off work

Just healthy stuff, if you live alone you will find it hard to move your arms and stuff so maybe pre cook a few spag bols/currys so you can just wack them in the microwave.

Arnica (get an extra pack from boots, not just the stuff karidis gives you)

thats all you need!

then 3 weeks

Bio oil, you can get it from ebay cheap enough massage everyday morning and night ... i didnt now im going to have a prolonged healing process. Massaging is uncomfortable but its really really important dont slack on it

Dont worry about the operation, youl be asleep :)


Offline kingboob

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I wish someone would explain the theory behind massaging the tissue........   I mean MY logic suggests that massaging already irritated and damaged tissue would not be a good idea, yet everyone here (along with surgeons too) recommend it. 

I hardly massaged at all after my surgery and I'm pretty happy with the way things have turned out.  On the odd occasion I did try it I found my nipples were sore and puffy the following day.

Offline thetodd

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After 3 weeks its fine, and it will speed up the healing process

massaging breaks up the scar tissue, and bio oil is a great healer! If you really wanted to do it properly i guess you could get a masseuse but i dont know what costs that would ential

Offline niguy13

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Thanks thetodd.

6 weeks to go and the excitement is starting to build - i'm trying not to hype it up too much but the thought of a flat chest is starting to take over. I'm going to take loads of pictures of myself in various t-shirts/jumpers that i own so i can have a good before and after if all goes well.

One big problem i have is the money. I dont get paid until a week before the surgery (karidis fee is already paid!). I was told by the Karidis' secretary that you can pay the hospital about 4 days before the op. I am paying by card so its an instant transaction. I'm hoping this isnt going to pose a problem . Anyone else had a similar experience with paying the money?

42 days to go!


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